Reading History Timeline

  • The First Book I Remember Reading

    The First Book I Remember Reading
    Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, is the first book that I ever remember reading and hearing from my childhood. This is the first book that I learned how to read. I still cherish it and have it to this day. It is one of my favorite children's book
  • My First Puzzle Book

    My First Puzzle Book
    The Usborne Young Puzzle Adventures was my first puzzle book. This book was very engaging for me, I would spend hours doing the puzzles and then reading the pages over and over again. I got this book on my 5th birthday. I love making puzzles so integrating my favorite hobby into reading was very memorable for me.
  • Imagination

    The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny was a book that I received was another book I received on my 5th birthday. It came with a DVD on the inside which contained a live-action movie of the story. One of my favorite things about reading is picturing the words in my head and visualizing what it would be like if it came to life. This book helped me do that because while I would read I would watch the movie.
  • Pop-Up Books

    Pop-Up Books
    Brush Your Teeth Please by Leslie McGuire was one of the first pop-up books that I've ever read. I think pop-up books are such a great way to make reading engaging for children. When I was a kid I loved this back and to this day I still find pop-up books fascinating. Just recently I read a pop-up book about how to build a robot and I thought it was very cool being able to learn something and see it in 3-D.
  • Exploring New Genres

    Exploring New Genres
    I started to lose interest in books when I became a teenager. I wasn't really aware of many different genres and all the books that I once was interested in became boring. In 2014, I watched a movie called The Maze Runner. I loved this movie and found out about the book. After I read the book fell in love with reading dystopian books, which brought back my interest in reading.
  • Poetry Books

    Poetry Books
    Milk and Honey is the first poetry book that I've ever read. In my 12th-grade English class, one of our lessons was about poems and we were instructed to create a poem that describes any aspect of our lives. I chose to write a poem based on a traumatic event that happened in my life. After turning in my poem, my teacher suggested that I read this book because it might validate some of my feelings. I chose to read the book, loved it, and became interested in poetry books.
  • Memoirs

    The Glass Castle was the first ever Memoir I've read and also one of my favorite books. This book was inspiring to me and I loved trying to determine what the different symbols meant throughout the book. This book inspired me because the author was able to build an amazing and successful career and life for herself despite her traumatic past.
  • Audio Books

    Audio Books
    The Silence that Blinds Us by Joanna Ho, is one of the first-ever Audiobooks I have listened to. I've heard audiobooks while reading along but never just an audiobook. Just last year I had a baby and my life became busier than usual, making it harder to pick up a book. This was a problem for me because I was taking a literature class. There was no way I could've read as many books as I did or ever passed that class if it wasn't for audiobooks.
  • Diverse Books

    Diverse Books
    The Healer of The Water Monster was one of the first Native American books I've read, written by someone who is Native American. Although the book was fictional I was able to learn some language and actual Native American customs. This book influenced me because I realized I was able to learn so much about different cultures through reading.
  • Recently Read

    Recently Read
    The Art of Letting Go by Nick Trenton is a book that I just recently finished. These days it's rare that I ever read a book that's just for me. I mostly read textbooks or books assigned to different lessons. Because of this I frequently feel disconnected when reading. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies but it's also something that I struggle with. Now and then I like to pick a book for pure enjoyment.