Reading History

  • I Love You Forever

    I Love You Forever
    My parents read this book to me throughout my childhood. I read the same book to our son and always tell him “I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, my baby you'll always be.”
  • Grandma

    My grandma is the reason I love reading. Anytime I would visit her, I would pick out so many books from her library and she would read every single one to me. She now does the same with our son. She always instilled in me the importance of reading. It's because of her, that I love to read.
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    As a toddler, this was my favorite book. My parents read it to me over and over. Once my little sister was born, I read it to her over and over.
  • Kindergarten

    My kindergarten teacher is a reason I love reading. She is the reason I want to be a teacher. She is an inspiration.
  • Junie B Jones

    Junie B Jones
    When I think of reading, I think of Junie B. Jones.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone is a book I remember reading during my childhood.
  • The Book of Mormon

    The Book of Mormon
    The Book of Mormon is something I read daily/nightly. It's a book I cherish that gives me peace and comfort.
  • The Library

    The Library
    The library has always been and will always be one of my favorite places. Taking our son to get his first library card, showing him how to find books and how to check books out is one of my highlight's as a mom.
  • Captain Underpants

    Captain Underpants
    The Adventures of Captain Underpants is a series our son frequently reads to me for his nightly reading
  • My Son

    My Son
    One of my favorite things to do is read to our son and listen to him read. He's such an advanced reader and it make's me so happy because that means he loves reading too. He's in 3rd grade at a middle school level and will soon compete in Battle of The Books!