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RBU Timeline - Ally #13

  • Problem

    The war has started and Noah is thinking about joining, which has put a lot of stress on the family.
  • Rising Action #4

    There is a large party in Grand Tower that happens every year.
  • Rising Action #5

    A steamboat comes during the party and two girls, Delphine and Calinda, come off it.
  • Rising Action #6

    Mama offers Delphine and Calinda to stay at their house. Noah likes Delphine and Calinda but Tilly finds them suspicious.
  • Rising Action #7

    Tilly and Delphine walk around town and all the men in Grand Tower like her which upsets the woman. Tilly starts to like Delphine and becomes better friends with her.
  • Rising Action #8

    Calinda and Cass start to become friends because they can realate to eachother because Cass can see dead people and Calinda can read cards to predict peoples future.
  • Rising Action #9

    Delphine buys oil lamps which makes the house bright at night. Tilly says it almost looks brighter than day.
  • Rising Action #10

    Woman from the town come to the Pruitt' house. They warn mama about Delphine and Calinda because they think they're spies and that the oil lamps are a signal to other people from the south.
  • Rising Action #11

    There is a play coming to Grand Tower and the whole family sees it with Delphine and Calinda.
  • Rising Action #12

    People start to dance and Calinda dances. Delphine said that she was a famous deancer from New Orleans and her real name is CoinCoin. They call her Calinda because that is the name of the dance.
  • Rising Action #2

    Cass can see dead people. She sees people getting married on Tower Rock and when they come back on the boat she sees them drown in the river. She can still see them trying to get to shore.
  • Rising Action #1

    Tilly also has a dad named Paw but he is never home becuase he is at war and has been traveling for a while.
  • Rising Action #3

    Tiily's crush Curry send a letter. It says that he has gone to war to fight for the South. This letter make Tilly think that Noah will soon go to war.
  • Climax

    Noah goes to war to fight for the South. Mama becomes very depressed because he is gone.
  • Falling Action #1

    Mama is going crazy from Noah being gone and wants Tilly to go bring him back. She tells Till that she can spare her but she can't spare Noah. She tells her to not come back unless she has Noah alive.
  • Falling Action #2

    Tilly and Delphine take the train to Cairo where the soldiers are camped out. They bring food, medicine, and blankets. They find Noah and he is very ill but he still wants to fight.
  • Falling Action #3

    Tilly find out that Delphine and Calinda are sisters and they have a brother named Andre who lives in France. Delphine is half black but can pass for white. Calinda is half white and black too but can pass for Spanish. Delphine is 15 and is younger than Tilly. Her dad is white and has a white family and a black family with her mother who is black.
  • Falling Action #4

    Noah fights and gets his arm shot off and it has to get amputated.
  • Falling Action #5

    Delphine, Tiily, and Noah come home and they found out that Noah was fghting against his dad in the war. His coffin was drifting down the river and Mama thought it was Noah so she jumped in the river and killed herself. Cass later died and Calinda went to Californa to read cards because she could pass for Spanish.
  • Resolution

    Delphine and Noah pretend to get married because it is against Delphine's culture to get married to a white man. They have a kid named William Hutchings. Tilly and Dr. William Hutchings get married but have no kids.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    The battle was behind Bull Run and was started when the Union went from Washington to the Confederates. Each side had battle tactics but they were too detailed and didn't work. The battle went on for days. The Union eventually went back to Washington.
  • Lincoln's Inaugauration

    Lincoln's Inaugauration
    Lincoln was elected president during the Ciivil War and it was a very sad time. His speech was about ending the war and bringing happiness to everyone.
  • Battle of Belmont

    Battle of Belmont
    This battle was started because the Confederates had crossed the Mississippi River. The Union traveled to Missouri and drove the Confederates out of Belmont after destroying their supplies. The Union later retreated.