Ratification of Constitution

  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The delegates from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia on September 5.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Contitnental Congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775.
  • The Articles of Confideration

    The Articles of Confideration
    The Articles of confederation established "a firm league of friendship" among the states. The articles though were not ratified until March 1, 1781.
  • Start Framing New Constitution

    Start Framing New Constitution
    The Framers gathered in Independence Hall to discuss the new constitution.
  • The Commerce slave trade compromise

    The Commerce slave trade compromise
    Congress was forbidden the power to tax the export of goods from any state. It was also forbidden the power to act on the slave trade for a period of at least 20 years.
  • The Connecticut Compromise

    The Connecticut Compromise
    It was agreed that Congress should be composed of two houses and was called The Great Compromise.
  • The Three-Fifths Compromise

    The Three-Fifths Compromise
    It provided that all "free persons" should be counted, and so, too, should "three-fifths of all other persons."
  • The Constitution is finished

    The Constitution is finished
    On the 17th the convention approved its work and 39 names were placed on the finished document.The Constitution was also called The Bundle of Compromises because it was a mix of The Connecticut Compromise, The Three-Fifths Compromise, and The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise.