Rachels tears

Rachel's Tears

  • Rachel's Letters to God

    Rachel's Letters to God
    Exposition- Rachel was a religious high school student living in Littleton, Colorado. She was a very graceful and loving teenager. She loved her family and God. Unfortunately, she was victim to the tragic Columbine School shooting on April 20, 1999. She kept a journal to God. Rachel had been writing to God in her journal and pours her heart and feelings out to Him for 16 months. She wrote hundreds of letters in that journal which left the world with a record of her love for her God.
  • Direct Characterization 1

    "Our beautiful daughter 's unique life and deep commitment to God are explored in the following pages"(Nimmo and Scott prelude). This quote written by her mother and father showed me that they really loved their daughter, and that Rachel had a really strong commitment to God because that is what a lot of the book is about.
  • Direct Characterzation 2

    Direct Characterzation 2
    "The horrible tradgedy at Columbine has turned things absolutley upside down for us and for the other families..."(Nimmo and Scott xvii). That quote showed me how horrible it must have been for people because of the sights and experience the people had to go through that day. It showed how it turned things upside down for Rachel's family and other families.
  • Indirect Characterization 1

    Indirect Characterization 1
    Rachel writes a lot of letters to God, so this quote shows me how much she loves God and how her letters are her way to communicate with him, "...this was her way of showing her appreciation for God's role as a Creator"(Nimmo and Scott 107). This really demonstrates her love for God.
  • Indirect Characterization 2

    Rachel was very mature for her age. Her mom states, "She asked questions that some pastors never ask, much less teenagers"(Nimmo and Scott 36). Rachel had a very big heart, along with her grown-up personality. Rachel was very well-mannered. For example, she never was rude, always controlled her temper, was not selfish, and was very honest and wise with her decisions.
  • Rachel's Last Day

    Rachel's Last Day
    Rising Action- On April 20, 1999, Rachel woke up and went to her mom's bathroom to put on some make-up for school. Her mom looks at her and has an intense urge to memorize what Rachel is wearing.One of the last things Rachel says to her mom is that she will not take care of her anymore!
  • The Tragic Day that Changed Everything

    The Tragic Day that Changed Everything
    Climax- At 11:00 am, Rachel's mom receives a phone call from her oldest daughter talking in a frantic voice telling her something bad is happening at Columbine, Rachel's school. The mom panics as she contacts her husband. Her son, Craig, calls to say he's safe, but he can't find Rachel.Two of Craig's best friends were shot beside him. Then, Craig got the courage to lead others out of danger.The next morning, the family learned Rachel died.
  • Rachel's Journal was Discovered

    Rachel's Journal was Discovered
    Falling Action- Rachel's backpack with a bullet hole through it is returned to Rachel's parents. One bullet ironically stopped right at Rachel's journal to God. The parents start piecing together Rachel's thoughts by reading her scraps of artwork, poems, and her journal letters. Rachel's writings reveal her spiritual journey as they are focused on her developing love of God. Ironically, Rachel calls herself a warrior, but not the evil type that killed her. She was a "warrier for Christ."
  • No One Forgot the Turning Point of their Lives

    No One Forgot the Turning Point of their Lives
    Resolution- After the tragedy at Columbine High School, loved ones were remembered by people who put together memorials, rememberings, and prayers for the ones that lost their innocent lives that day. Also, Rachel's Red Acura toy is now put in the museum as a remembrance along with another student's (who lost his life in the tragedy) toy car. However, the most important piece of that day was Rachel's journal, which was found right where one bullet stopped.