Qualik Nolon: Nikki Giovanni

By cnruncw
  • Nikki Giovanni was born

    Nikki Giovanni was born
    Born in Knoxvile Tennessee on June 7 1943
  • lived

    She grew up in Cincinnati,Ohio then move to Knoxville Tennessee
  • College

    She attend at Pennsylvania university
  • School

    Nikki Giovanni went to austin high school then she dropped out in 1960
  • Known for

    Known for
    Nikki Giovanni was known for the best African american poet writer
  • Awards

    Nikki has
    American books award
    NAACP two times
  • Teach

    Nikki Giovanni is teaching at Virginia tech university
  • Nikki first book

    Nikki first book
    She wrote her first after martin Luther king gave his speech it encourage her to write
  • marriage

    Nikki Giovanni is not married to anyone