
Pure Soul Promotional Plan – Nathan Bryce

  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    I would go around multiple grocery stores in the area and have some small samples of the best items on our menu for anyone who is willing to try. This would increase sales because people would find out how good our food is and they would want more, and we would say the only way to get that food is to come to our restaurant.
  • Coupons

    Im gonna mail everyone in the surrounding area free coupons for free coffees, free meals, etc. Everyone would see these coupons and would think it would be a good way
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    What I would try to do is get a fairly popular band to play at the restaurant and have it be free to enter and watch. This would increase sales because while people are watching the band play, they can stop and get something to drink or something to eat from our restaurant.