Pure Soul Promotion Plan- Nolan Parks

  • Product samples

    Product samples
    We will hand out k-cups for people to make coffee at home and possibly come back for more
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    We will hand out coffee mugs that allow for one free fill of coffee to get more people into the store trying our coffee and seeing if they like it.
  • Sweepstakes

    For those people who came back to fill their mugs as well as who came in for coffee, we will enter them into a sweepstake that allows them to possibly win a free month of coffee. The more times they come to the shop, the more times their name goes into the drawings.
  • Coupons

    For the people who hadn't won the sweepstakes will receive a coupon for half off of a coffee.
  • Coupon Plans

    Coupon Plans
    Now that we had steady customers we can set up a long term plan with coupons were if they collect 10 slips, one comes with each coffee, then you get a free coffee.