Psychology Development

  • 500

    Assimilation and Accomodation

    Assimilation and Accomodation
    The categorizing of known information and learning of new information.
  • Apr 10, 1000

    Sensorimotor Stage

    Sensorimotor Stage
    Infants learn how to interact with the world and understand their actions affect their senses.
  • Apr 10, 1500

    Preoperational Stage

    Preoperational Stage
    Children start to verbalize thoughts but can only understand their own perspective and what they see based on senses.
  • Concrete Operational Stage

    Concrete Operational Stage
    Children learn to apply logic, but only to specific things. Children can now see another point of view or perspective and can think without concrete evidence.
  • Period: to

    Developmental Stages

  • Formal Operational Stage

    Formal Operational Stage
    Ability to think abstractly is developed. Grounded and free flowing thought are had now. Logic can be applied to any object, mental or physical, and hypothetical situations can be thought through.
  • Beginning of Adoloscence