
By 23010EC
  • Brown Box

    Brown Box
    In 1967 Ralph Baer created the first video game console called the Brown Box.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    In 1977 Atari came out with a video game console for home. The games it included were Video Pinball and Stunt Cycle.
  • NES

    Nintendo released the NES in 1983 with the biggest games: Pacman, Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Golden Axe.
  • PlayStation 1

    PlayStation 1
    In 1994 Sony released the PlayStation 1 in Japan. This would change the future of consoles forever. The
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    In 1996 Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 in Japan . There was huge games on it including: Mario Cart, Mario Bros, and James Bond. It had weird shaped controllers and you could play with 2 people on it.
  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    The PlayStation 2 was also a game changer (pun intended). The biggest games on here are: GTA San Andreas, Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, and Jack and Daxster.
  • Game Cube

    Game Cube
    The Game Cube is the 20th best selling console ever. The Game Cube only sold 23 million units during its life span. The biggest memory card for it was only 63mb.
  • Xbox

    Microsoft finally came into the video game business, and they introduced Xbox Live which was online gaming so you can play with other people around the world.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    Microsoft did it again with another great console. The Xbox 360 came with a built in dvd player and you could also access the internet on it. It also brought back Xbox live which you could play with other people around the world.
  • PlayStation 3

    PlayStation 3
    Finally Sony released the PS3 after 6 years since they released the PS2. Sony finally introduced PlayStation Network which was basically Xbox Live for PlayStation 3. It also brought Blue-Ray disc compatibility and came with a new controller called the Dualshock 3.
  • Wii

    The Wii was made by Nintendo, and they specifically made it for the families. This was a ground breaking console that brought a unique remote that was essential a motion sensor. But there was one feature about the Wii that made it so cool, and that was Mii"s. Mii was basically a in game avatar that you could make to look like you and you could also play it in game.
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    The Xbox One brought numerous new things to the players including: Live TV, snap which was basically you could listen to music while playing on the Xbox One, One Guide was basically a AI in the console that could help you if you had trouble with your Xbox.
  • Stadia

    Google announced that they are making a video game console. People were surprised when they heard about this, Stadia will give you the option to change your resolution.
  • PlayStation 5

    PlayStation 5
    The PS5 will bring backwards compatibility which will be cool because we can play games from the PS1. Sony is also working on a better VR for the PS5 after the big flunk for the PS4.
  • Xbox Project Scarlett

    Xbox Project Scarlett
    Xbox Scarlett is said to be the greatest console ever made with 120 frames per second which is crazy for a console and Is also bringing 8k visuals.