
Prohibition (1920-1933)

  • Proposed 18th Amendment

    The Senate proposed the 18th Amendment
  • Congress passes Wartime Prohibition Act

  • Alcoholic Beverages banned from being sold

    Alcoholic Beverages banned from being sold
  • Ratification of 18th Amendment

    Ratification of 18th Amendment
    thirty-six states approved, amendment ratified
  • The Wartime Prohibition Act was in affect

  • Known as "Thirsty-First"

  • Congress passed the Volstead Act

    Banned the production of liquor
  • Prohibition Begins

    Prohibition Begins
    America has gone dry of alchohol
  • Cullen-Harrison Act

    Cullen-Harrison Act
    legalizes beer with 2.5% alcohol
  • 21st Amendment overwrites 18th Amendment

    21st Amendment overwrites 18th Amendment