Progressive party


By kbowen
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    Addams was a women that was going to Medicals school after she graduated High School. She was a women that hepled may communities by opening a house for people of all ages. The house was used to care for children, take care of sick people, and she listened to the troubles of other people. She got 2 of her freinds and other women of "well-to-do" families. This is related to the progressive era because she is helping the social welfare of all the people.
  • Sherman Act

    Sherman Act
    Before this act was passes big buisnesses would set up a "trust". This means that they will keep their copeting products at the same prus in order to make the most money. Roosevelt was not a fan of the trust so he decided to pas a law that prohibits big Buissneses from doing this. This act was the Sherman act. This was refor to get rid of corrupt practices in the Country.
  • Eugene Debs and Pullman Strike

    Eugene Debs and Pullman Strike
    The pull man stike was a strike against George Pullman, the owner of Pullman Cars. After the company laid off some workers and lowered wages many workes went on strike because they also did not reduce rents.Debs helped the workers on strike and called for, with the ARU, a boycotte of any train with a Pullman car on it. This relates to social wellfare refore becaus it deals with the welfare of the people with thier wages and emplayment.
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    In 1900, Robert La Follette is elected the governor of Wisconsin. His reforms that he pushed in Wisconsin became the model for reform in all other states. He fought for increased taxes on the railroads and public utilities, passed laws to curb excessive lobbying, and backed labor and social legislation.
  • Lincoln Steffens

    Lincoln Steffens
    Lincoln steffon is a writer for the McClure's Magazine. Steffens releases an article revealing the league between the city officials and big buissness officials to maintain power corrupting the cities public treasury.
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    Workers from the UMWA (United Mine Workers of America) went on stike to earn higher wages and shorter work days. This strike threatened to shut down the winter supply to all major cities. Rooasevelt became involved and was able to susspend the strike. The miners did get higher wages and shorter work days. This is social justice refor because it helps people in the work place
  • Elkin's Act

    Elkin's Act
    Before this act was impicated, the inerstate Comerse Commision imposed heavy fines to use their railroads. But the companie running the railroads were not permitted to give rebates for the rebates they impose. The Elkins act was put into affect to prohibit all of the fine implicated unless the government was notified.This act relates to Buissnes reform because the buinesses that were shipping their good had to pay extra to ship, and this act would get rid of a majority of the fines.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair published The Jungle, a book about the meatpacking industry in Chicago's stockyards. Sinclair is trying to raise public awareness of corporate corruption and the deplorable conditions in which poor workers toil, but most of the resulting public outcry instead centers on demand for more food safety provisions. What he did related to social welfarer and buissness reform.
  • Pure Food and Drug act

    Pure Food and Drug act
    Before this act food companies would be labiling food or drugs with things that their product can not do, or are not in the product itself. This act makes it so the companies have to print truth in their lableing. This act relattes to the Public service reform because it makes it so the public does have the truth in what they are byuing.
  • Charles Evan Hughes

    Charles Evan Hughes
    THis man was the governor of New your from 1907 to 1910. During his office he passed the Moreland act which allowed the governor to oversee city and county officials as well as officials in semi-autonomous state bureaucracies. It also made him able to fire corrupt officials.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Was a Republican presedent form 1901-1909. After he created the Sherman act against Big Buissnesses having trusts he was seen as too liberal for the republican party. He then joined the pregressive party and won their nomination for the Election.
  • 16th Amedment

    16th Amedment
    This amedment made it so the federal government was able to increase taxtes among the wealthier people. Before, taxes were constant through each class. This allowed the Federal government to have more income. This relates to economic reform becasue it was funding the government so the rest of the nation was able to function.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson gives his inaugural address after being elected for president. As president he created a graduated income tax, which was a very important reform since it kept the poor from becoming poorer and made sure everyone was taxed based on income.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The Seventeenth Amendment is ratified, allowing for the direct election of U.S. Senators instead of through state legislators. This now will prevent the election of corrupt senators that will be elected by big buisnesses so bill will not be passes against big buisnesses. This relates to economic reform because it talks abot big buisnesses not earning corrupt money.
  • Hiram Johnson

    Hiram Johnson
    Hiram Johnson gives his inaugural address after being elected as Governor of California. As governor, Hiram fought for reforms such as Women's suffrage and the ability of candidates to register in more than one political party.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    Bryan won the election for the House of Representatives and was in office from 1890 to 1895. After he resigned from office Woodrow Wilson selected him as the secretary of state. He also one the democratic nomination but did not win the race. Bryan helped creat the Bryan-Chamorro treaty in 1914. this permitted the United States to construct an isthmian canal across Nicaragua and rights to build naval bases at the Gulf of Fonseca and on the Corn Islands.
  • Keating-Owen Act

    Keating-Owen Act
    This act was put into affect because before it there were no chld labor laws. Children were put to work in dangerouse jobs adults were not able to do. The Keating-Owen act prohibited the transpertation of good accross state borders that were produced by children. But after this act was put into affect, the Supreme Court deemed it unconstitution because it would interfere with satet rights. While this act was in effect, it related to labor reform, because if prohibited kids form working.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The Eighteenth Amendment created social reform by banning alcoholic beverages in America. There was a need for reform in society thanks to the abuse of alcohol. The Women's Chtistian Temperance Union and even Roosevelt got behind this reform and got is passed December 18th, 1917.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The Nineteenth Amendment allowed all citizens to vote regardless of sex. This was a very important social reform, because for the first time, women had equal rights in deciding how they were governed.
  • H.G. Welles

    H.G. Welles
    H.G. Wells publishes "The Open Conspiracy". In it, it calls for reforms that could result in a utopian society. It encourages political, social, and religious reform.