Progressive Era to New Era Timeline

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    Red Scare

    -Wake of World War I and the Bolshevik revolution.
    -Showed an excessive fear leading to violations of individual rights.
    -It was remembered during the McCarthy era as a precursor.
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    Eugene V. Debs' Life

    -American labor and political leader.
    -Formed the American Railway Union
    -Led Pullman Strike; his workers stopped operating on any trains that used Pullman cars
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    Jim Crow Laws

    -Statutes enacted by Southern states that legalized segregation between African Americans and whites
    -Prevented African Americans from voting and participating in society
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    -First significant law to restrict immigration to the United States
    -Banned the immigration of unskilled laborers from China
    -America was suppose to be a place of freedom and liberty but demonstrated racism
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    -The ship was torpedoed and sunk by the submerged German U-boat (submarine) SM U-20.
    -Destroyed American neutrality during World War 1.
    -Drew the nation into the war on the side of the Allies.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    -Top secret, coded message sent by German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to his country’s diplomatic delegation in Mexico.
    -Revealed a promise to the Mexican Government that Germany would help Mexico recover the territory it had ceded to the USA.
    -Sparked nationwide outrage during WW1 and helped to bring about American participation in the Great War.
  • Sedition Act

    -Made it a crime to interfere with the operations of the military to promote the success of its enemies.
    -Prohibited many forms of speech perceived as disloyal to the United States of America.
    -Made it a federal offense to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the Constitution, the government, the American uniform, or the US flag.
    -Attempt to limit freedom of speech
  • 18th Amendment

    -Prohibited liquor
    -Empowered crime bosses to organize networks for the production and smuggling of alcohol
    -Homicides related to organized crime skyrocketed, and more people were incarcerated than ever before
  • 19th Amendment

    -Gave women the right to vote
    -Gave women of the era more confidence and a sense that they could accomplish more
    -They started to live outside the confines of being a wife and homemaker
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    -Made the principle of national origin quotas the permanent basis for U.S. immigration policy.
    -Restricted the number of immigrants from a given country to 2% of the number of residents from that same country living in the United States.
    -Completely changed the patterns of immigration throughout the twentieth century.
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    John Scopes- The Monkey Trial

    -Trial caused by John Scopes teaching Darwinism in school.
    -Symbolized the conflict between conservatives and modernists.
    -Resulted in widespread growth in belief of Darwin's Theory of Evolution
  • 20th Amendment

    -Changed the days for meetings of Congress and for the start of the President's term of office.
    -Put a stop to "lame duck" sessions of Congress by advancing the dates for the President's inauguration to January 20 from March 4th, and the date for Congress to convene to January 3rd from March 4th.
    -Avoided the time in office with diminished power.
  • 21st Amendment

    -Repealed Prohibition, the ban on alcohol.
    -Repealed the only amendment to the US Constitution which restricted individual rights.