
Progressive Era

  • Charles Evans Hughes

    Charles Evans Hughes
    Charles was born on April 11, 1862. He became a leader in the progressive movement by calls of reform and modernizing state government by enhancing the power of the governor and its administrative bureaucracy. He also lost in the Presidential election of 1916. He was an associate justice of the Supreme Court from 1910 to 1916.
  • H.G. Wells

    H.G. Wells
    H. G. Wells was born on September 12, 1866. He was a brtish writer who wrote many books about social reform and ways to go about reform. He came up with many ways to help move along social reform, and often pulished them in his books.
  • Corrupt Practices Reform

    Corrupt Practices Reform
    The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed by Congress in 1890. It was set in place to reform corrupt practices. The act prohibited all trusts and monopolies in restraint of trade. The act was trying to limit monopolies, progressive and American citizens demanded laaw to be put into effect to help the cause.
  • Social Justice Reform

    Social Justice Reform
    Roosevelt acted on Anthracite Coal Strike. He helped move along the progressive movemnt by helping the coal strike. Roosevelt also supported the labor in the settlement of the strike. The strike helped increase the power of the executive branch of the government.
  • Business Reform

    Business Reform
    The Elkins Act is an example of a business reform. The Act stated that ailroads could not give rebates as incentives. Along with no railroads could change their rates for passengers and cargo without giving any notice to the public, and costumers.
  • Lincoln Steffens

    Lincoln Steffens
    As a mukraker Steffens investigated factories. He wrote for the New York Evening Post and for the McClure's Magazine. In some of his articles, published in October 1904 he attacked and exposed one of the greatest centers of curuption known to man: Municipal Government. His articles showed the cruel and inequitable machinary that was being used by poor immagrants trying to make money to survive. His articles also decribed how the immagrants were being abused by the people who ran the factories.
  • Utpon Sinclair

    Utpon Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair was a "muckraker". On Februrary 26, 1906, he published a book titled The Jungle releaving the unsanitary and unsafe conditioins of the meat processing and packaging plants. The book releaved to the public the uncertainty of what meat was in the saussages for example. After Roosevelt read the book he created the Food and Drugs Act, providing that every food and drug plant be inspected for safe and sanitary working conditions, along with thruth in the labels of the plants products.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The 16th Amnedment was proposed on July 12, 1909. The amendment would exempt income taxes from the constitutional requirements regarding direct taxes. This would then authorize the federal government to collect income tax. Allowing workers with a lower income to pay less tax, and workers with more income tax would then pay a higher tax rate. This helped the buisness and economic reform movements, providing that each worker would get a fair paycheck due to tax percentage not a set amount.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    Originaly from Nebraska bryan was a part of the democratic party,He was the Democratic conventional nomintion in the Presidental elections in 1896. In !912 he became Woodow Wilson's Secretery of State. Bryan pushed through series of Domestic Reform laws. Such as the "new Freedom" law which allowed the country to begin to start to reform.
  • Hiram Johnson

    Hiram Johnson
    Hiram Johnson was one of the founders of the Progressive Party in 1912. He was the governor of California from 1911 to 1917. During his time in office he pushed for wwomen's suffrage movements. He Ran against Roosevelt in the 1912 presidential election. He also was a populist who implemented many reform laws., that helped the California and the rest of the country.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The 17th Amendment was proposed on May 13, 1912. The amendment provided the direct election of senators, rather than by state legislatures. This allowed the people to vote for the senators instead of just the state legislatures. This allowed more political reform allowing the people to have more say in the government, allowing them to vote.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Teddy Roosevelt was the president 26th from 1901 to 1909. He wanted to run for president again in 1912, unfortunately the republican party would not nominate him because he was "too liberal". He was then nominated by the Progressive Party on August 7th. He lost the election to Republican Woodrow Wilson.
  • Woodrow WIlson

    Woodrow WIlson
    Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the USA from 1913 to 1921. He was a democrat an immediately persuaded a domocratic congress to pass majr progressive reforms such as the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commision Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, and income taxes. Also whille Wilson was in office chilld labor was curtailed by te Keating-Owen Act in 1916 but then was declared unconstituional in 1918.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    April 28, 1915 Jane founded the Womens International League for Peace and Feedom (WILPF). It provided enviornments of political economic social and psychological reform for women. Jane was also the founder of Hull House in 1889, it was a place were at and literary education could be provided to the less fortunate, and it also helped new immagrants become more inegrated by learning how to read and write and speak English.
  • Labor Reform

    Labor Reform
    The Keating-Owen Acts of 1916 are a prime example of labor reform. The Acts prohibited the transport across state lines of goods manufactures using child labor. The acts also were lso deemed unconstitutional in 1918 because it interfered with the states rights. But the states would eventually come up with their child labor laws.
  • Public Service Reform

    Public Service Reform
    The American Association for Organizing Charity was created to help public reform. It helped brig philanthopic societies together. Also the Association supported Charities in big cities. Often the associations in cities worked with many disparate agencies.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This Amendment was proposed on Decmeber 18, 1917. Many reformers believed that alcohol was the major cause of society's moral decay. eform groups connected alcohol with reasons of violence, domestic violence, abuse, poverty, unemployment, and disease. The Women's Christian Temperance Union was one of the major reform groups in support of the amendemnt to make it illegal to sell, and dink alcohol.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th amendment was proposed on June 4, 1919. It would allow women to vote. The Amendment became a law in August 1920. The amendment is related to the progressive era baecause by allowing women the right to vote, it is showing that women have just as much voice in the government as men do. Many reform groups lead by women were fighting for things like this, such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union.
  • Eugene Debs

    Eugene Debs
    Debs was released from prison on Dec. 25, 1921, by Preident Harding, after being arested by President Wilson in 1918 for violating the Espionage Act. Debs was an outspoken leader of the Labor Movements. He opposed Wilson as Socialist Party candidate in the 1912 election. Debs lead protests to support the Steel Fabricationers and Miners get an 8-hour work day, living wages, and organization of unions. Which places Debs as a progressive supporter, wanting to help with buissness and social reform.
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    He was the presidential candidate for the progrressive party in 1924. His campaign stated that the progressive party called for a government takeover of ailroads, no child labor, and the rights to organize work unions.