Progression of Service Dogs

  • First Attempt to Train Guide Dogs

    The first systematic attempt to train dogs to aid blind people was at 'Les Quinze-Vingts' hospital in Paris.
  • Worlds First Guide Dog School Opens in Oldeburg Germany

    The German Red Cross Ambulance Association was the first guide dog school for the blind. Within a year 100 guide dogs were issued. By 1919 over 500 dogs were issued to blinded men.
  • Animal Assisted Therapy

    Animal Assisted Therapy
    The first documented case of Therapy Dogs were used in Washington D.C to help calm patients in psychiatric hospitals. BP Velde, J Cipriani, G. Fisher Occupational Therapy Journal, 2005-Wiley Online Library
  • Swiss Woman Starts Training Service Dogs

    Swiss Woman Starts Training Service Dogs
    Dorothy Harrison Eutis starts training dogs for the army, police, and customs service in Switzerland. Her energy and expertise launched the Guide Dog movement.
  • Magazine Article Inspires American Blind Man

    Magazine Article Inspires American Blind Man
    Morris Frank, a blind American man, buys a magazine article written by Dorothy Eutis. The article changed his life. He was the first man to use a Guide Dog to cross the streets of New York City.
  • Guide Dogs

    Guide Dogs for the Blind Association is established. A British charitable organization. The Guide Dogs provide help to people who are blind, or partially blind across the UK. They invest in eye disease research and campaign for the visually impaired.
  • Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

    Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
    Guide Dogs for the Blind Association was started, the first dog training school on the west coast. Created to help wounded servicemen who returned without their sight.
  • Service Dogs for Veterans

    Therapy Dogs are used to help Veterans returning from World War ll with PTSD. The American Humane Association opens in 1945.
  • Therapy Dogs International

    Therapy Dogs International
    Therapy Dogs International was founded in New Jersey. This organization is dedicated to testing, regulating and registering dogs and their owners to visit places where therapy dogs are needed.
    Therapy Dogs International.
  • Dogs for the Deaf

    Dogs for the Deaf
    Dogs for the Deaf was founded by Roy G Kabat. This organization helped improve the lives of deaf people by training dogs to alert people who lost their hearing.
  • Dogs for the Disabled

    Dogs for the Disabled
    Frances Hay formed Dogs for the Disabled in the UK. The organization trained dogs to help people with a variety of disabilities. The organization current name is Dogs for Good.
  • American Disabilities Act

    American Disabilities Act
    The American Disabilities Act is passed that allowed Service Animals in any public domain. The use of dogs for the disabled increased dramatically.
  • Service Animals

    Service Animals
    A woman in Eugene Oregon is denied service from a local store because of her Service Dog. A conflict was caused because it is against the law for a business to turn someone down for service because of a Service Dog.
  • Autism Service Dog Denied

    Autism Service Dog Denied
    A fourth grader with Autism is denied by his elementary school to bring his dog to class. After Federal Courts threatened to be involved, the school district changes their mind and allows the dog to come to school.
  • Buddy Dogs

    Buddy Dogs
    Buddy Dogs, a service that matches dogs with children and young people who are blind or partially sighted. The dogs haven't yet been fully qualified to work as Guide Dogs.