Technology wallpapers 6

Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Programmed in 1948 by Konrad Zuse. Serves an enginerring purpose
  • Fortran

    Programmed in 1957 by a team led by John Backus. Fotran is suited to numeric computation a scientific corporation and stands for Formula Translation

    Programmed in 1957 by Remington Rand. Provides Algebraic-style expressions.
  • LoGo

    Programmed in 1958 by Waly Fearzeig and Seyour Popert. LoGo is used as a tool for learning
  • Lisp

    Programmed in 1958 by John Mccarthy and Steve Russell. Used for practical mathematics notation.

    Programmed in 1959 by Grace M Hopper. COBAL stands for Common business orientation language. COBAL is used for business and administrative uses
  • RPG

    Programmed in 1959 by IBM. stands for Report Program Generator. Used to replicate punched card processing on the IMB
  • Basic

    Programmed in 1964 by John G Kemeney and Thomas E Kurts. Basic stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instructions Code. Basic is used in many business applications
  • B

    Programmed in 1969 by Ken Thomas and Dennis Richie. B is a contraction of BCPL, used for a recursive non numeric machine.
  • C

    Programmed in 1969 by Dennis Ritchie. features derived from B. used as Unix operating system.

    Programmed in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. using structured programming Blais Pascal
  • ML

    Programmed in 1972 by Robin Milner. stands for Meta Language. used to assign the types of most methods.
  • SQL

    Programmed in 1974 by ISO/IEC. stands for Structured Query Language. Manages data held in a relational database manger
  • ADA

    Programmed in 1979 by Jean Ichbian. ADA stands for the first women programmer Ada Lovelace. ADA is used for code safety.
  • C++

    Programmed in 1983 by Bjarne Streustrurp. and used for unix operating system.
  • Python

    Programmed in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum. used for a dynamic type system and automatic memory management.
  • Java

    Programmed in 1995 by James Gosling. Enforces OOPM and used to create complete applications.
  • JavaScript

    Programmed in 1995 by Brenden Eich. Used for client side scripting. contains the balility t manipulate data. The DOM and a webpage as a whole
  • Visual Basic

    Programmed in 1998 by Microsoft. Enables rapid Application Development
  • Delphi

    Programmed in 2016 by Borland. used for Software Development Kits.
  • PHP

    Programmed in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. stands for Preprocessar. Used for web development.