Garfield derp

Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Developers - Konrad Zuse Purpose - Designed for engineering purposes Name - Plan Calculus
  • Fortran

    Developer - John W. Backus Purpose - Scientific computing, high performance, focuses on numberic values Name - Formula Translating

    Developers - Charles Katz Purpose - Early language, an improvement of Fortran Name - Merged MATH with FLOW-MATIC
  • Delphi

    Developer - Anders Hejlsberg Purpose - Desktop/Mobile graphical and web applications Name - Was a code name for a project at Borland

    Developers - The CODASYL Committee Purpose - One of the oldest languages, used for business domains and systems. Name - COmmon Business-Oriented Language
  • Lisp

    Developer - John McCarthy Purpose - Artifical intelligence, 2nd oldest high-level programming language Name - From LISt Processing

    Developers - Kemeny, Kurtz Purpose - To create a user-friendly language so people other than math/science majors could ultalize computers Name - Stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • RPG

    Developers - IBM Purpose - High level programming for business Name - Report Program Generator
  • LOGO

    Developers - Papert Purpose - Educational language, focuses on graphics Name - Orgin of the greek word "logos" which means word
  • B - language

    Developers - Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie Purpose - A language made to fit into microcomputers of the time. Name - Based off of BCPL

    Developers - Wirth, Jensen Purpose - Efficient language, small but very structured Name - Named in honor of a French mathmatician Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Developer - Dennis Ritchie Purpose - Most used programming language ever. Used for system programming, needs very little run-time support. Name - Influcenced by B majorly.
  • SQL

    Developers - IBM Purpose - Special purpose language, manages language Name - Structured Query Language
  • ML

    Developers - Robin Milner Purpose - General purpose, used to find proof for equations Name - ML stands for metalanguage
  • ADA - language

    Developer - Dr. Jean Ichbiah Purpose - Used for systems, high effcient, had the ability to work out it's own run-time errors, so was a good choice for applications with a long life span. Name - ADA refers to Ada Lovelace, who was considered the first programmer
  • C++

    Developer - Stroustrup Purpose - General. For both High level and Low level programmers. Name - Based off of C, with many object oriented features.
  • Python

    Developers - Van Rossum Purpose - Widely used, general purpose, yet High level programming language. Allows code to be typed efficiently Name - Named from "Monty Python"
  • Visual Basic

    Developers - Alan Cooper Purpose - Event driven programming language Name - Easy to use
  • Java

    Developer - James Gosling Purpose - General purpose, class-based, made to be independant. Name - Was choosen from a long list of ideas, no acyronm.
  • PHP

    Developers - Rasmus Lerdorf Purpose - Server Side language meant for web development Name - Personal Home Page, now named PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Javascript

    Developer - Brendan Eich Purpose - Creates Cilentside scripts for web browsers. Name - At first was called Livescript, changed to java afterwards.