Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkül

    -Made by Konrad Zuse
    -created for engineering
    -translates to Plan Calculus in German
  • Fortran

    -Created by John Backus and IBM
    -Developed for scientific and engineering applications
    -Still used to today in high-performace computing

    -Created by Charles Katz
    -Intended to improve FORTRAN
  • Lisp

    -Made by John McCarthy, Steve Russel, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin
    -Named from LISt Processing
    -Lisp was the first homoiconic programming language; Lisp functions can be manipulated, altered or even created within a Lisp program without extensive parsing or manipulation of binary machine code

    -Created by Grace Hopper
    -Made for large business, finance and administrative systems
    -Acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language

    -Made by IBM
    -Stands for Report Program Generator
    -USed for Business application
    -Used back with punched card machines and still used today

    -Stands for: Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
    -Created by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
    -BASIC was made to allow students to write programs for the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System
  • Logo

    -Created by Wally feurzeig and Seymour Papert
    -The name is derived from the Greek logos meaning word
    -Created to help people learn Lisp but has been surassed by Scheme
  • B

    -Created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs
    -Was made as a simplified BCPL that could fir the memory capacity of minicomputers of that time
  • Pascal

    -Created by Niklaus Wirth
    -Named in honor of Blaise Pascal
    -Small and efficient to encourage better structuring of the written programs
  • C

    -Designed by Dennis Ritchie at the AT&T Bell Labs
    -used for actual system programming, like coding operating systems and embedded system applications
    -Portable and efficient
  • ML

    -Made by Robin Milner and others at the University of Edinburgh
    -Stands for "metalanguage"
    -was made to develop proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover
  • SQL

    -Made by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce
    -Stands for Structured Query Language
    -designed for managing data in "relational database management systems"
  • Ada

    -Created by Jean Ichbiah and her team
    -designed for developing large software systems and to reduce the number of programing langauges the US department of Defense needed
  • C++

    -Created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs
    -One of the most popular and versitile language
    -Called C++ because it is based in C with new enhancements (hence the ++)
  • Python

    -Made by Guido van Rossum with the Python Software Foundation
    -created to provide a clear, expressive and easily readable code.
  • Visual Basic

    -Made by Microsoft
    -Created to be easier to learn and use allowing "rapid application development" and graphical user interface applications
    -Derived from BASIC
  • JavaScript

    -Made by Bredan Eich
    -Created and used to program and create websites
  • Delphi

    -Created by Borland
    -Made to allow quicker application development for Windows
  • Java

    -Made by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems
    -It was designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible, so it could easily be run on many machines
  • PHP

    -Made by Rasmus Lerdorf
    -stands for either: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, or Personal Home Page
    -Created to easily program dynamic web pages