Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Designed by Konrad Kuse in 1948, Plankalkul's purpose lies in engineering. It was the first high level programming language ever designed for a computer.
  • Fortran

    Fortran otherwise known as Formula Translator also has the mission of being easy to use and for general purposes. It's primary uses include numeric computation and scientific computing. It was originally developed by IBM and Jon Backus in 1957. It can be found on the world's most fastest super computers. It was the first language to be independent from computer hardware.

    MATH-MATIC was first released in 1957 and designed by Remington Rand. It is otherwise known as the AT-3. It provided algebraic style expressions and floating-point arithmetic. It would influence UNI-CODE because of the features it had.
  • Lisp

    Released in 1958, Lisp is a high level programming language that has great uses in AI programming. However, when it was first released it was used for mathematical notation for computer programs. It was designed by John McCarthy and developed by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin.

    COBOL otherwise known as common business-oriented language has a main purpose for business use. It's uses varied from finance to administrative systems with a main purpose of transaction processing jobs. Originally it served as a portable programming language that could be used for the U.S. department of defense. It's developers were CODASYL, ANSI, and ISO.
  • RPG

    Developed by IBM in 1959 RPG which stands for Report Program Generator is a high level language whose main purpose is for business applications. It is used mainly on punched card machines and it's still in use today.

    First appearing in 1964 BASIC which stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code is part of a group of general use high-level programming languages. It's designers John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz intended for the language to specialize in ease of use. At the time of it's development only people involved math and science majors used computers. These two men wanted to change that which is why they developed the language.
  • LOGO

    Logo was released in 1967 and its primary focus is educational programming language. It was developed by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It has ties to AI, Mathematical logic and developmental psychology. As said before it is a educational programming language but specifically introduced children to programming.
  • B

    B was developed in Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie . Its purpose was for repeated non-numerical machine independent applications like system and language software. The name is derived from a pre-existing language known as BCPL. Also, it is said that Dennis Ritchie thought it might come from a language that Thomposn had worked on before.

    Like ML pascal is also a Imperative but also procedural programming language. It was designed by Niklaus Wirth in 1970 with the hope to encourage adequate programming practices while using structured programming as well as data structuring. Undergraduate students took advantage of this language to learn structured programming.
  • C

    First debuted in 1972, the general purpose language known as C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. It's purpose was to have a high level language that could handle independent programming while also allowing the user to control bits of the information. Once again the name C can be attributed to it's ancestor BCPL and CPL.
  • ML

    First appearing in 1973 and designed by Robin Milner and a group of other people at the University of EdinBurgh with ties to the Lisp language. The letters in the name ML stand for MetaLanguage. It is best used for functional programming and imperative programming. Breaking this down even further it's common uses are scientific applications, Theorem powers, Financial systems, Bioinformatics and genealogical databases.
  • SQL

    SQL or Structured Query Language was designed by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce and developed by ISO/IEC in 1974. It is designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. It changed and received data on IBM's database management system.
  • ADA

    Developed in 1980, ADA was designed for use with the U.S. department of defense. It was developed by Jean Ichbiah and his team as part of a programming language competition. The name ADA is derived from Ada Lovelace who is considered to be the first computer programmer.
  • C++

    Just like B and C, C++ is part of a general purpose programming language. It was designed towards system programming and embedded, scarce resource and large systems, with great potential , efficiency, and flexibility. It's best uses were found in desktop applications, servers, commerce, web searches, and performance oriented applications. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    In 1991 Microsoft developed a programming language known as Visual Basic. Just like a lot of other languages Microsoft intended for it's language to be easy to use. The roots of visual basic come from the older program BASIC. Visual Basic allows for users to easily create GUI applications. Components are visually arranged and not much code has to be written to create a program.
  • Python

    Python was released in 1991, it was designed by Guido van Rossum and Developed by the Python Software Foundation. It is a high level programming language like many others is used for general purpose programming. It's purposes range from testing Intel chips, powering Instagram and build games. It's language is very similar to the English language with adds to the ease of usability.
  • Delphi

    Originally developed by Borland from 1995 to 2008 and later Embaradero Technologies is designed for ease of use and was based off of the older Object Pascal. It is a competitor with Virtual Basic with a visual approach to application development. Its other highlights include complied code which means the code runs fast and it is object oriented. This means its object is simple, organized, and protected.
  • Java

    Java which first made its appearance in 1995 has a mission of being written once and being able to run anywhere. It was developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems. It specializes in client-server web applications and is one of the most popular languages.
  • Javascript

    First debuted in 1995 Javascript was designed by Brendan Eich and developed by Netscape communications corporation, Mozilla foundation, and Ecma International. Java script is used in most web browsers which made it very popular due to the fact it wasn't linked to one web browser. It goes beyond HTML because it allows you to make the web page more dynamic. basically users have a more interactive experience when creating web pages.
  • PHP

    Released in 1995 as a general purpose language PHP serves as a server side scripting language with a design purpose of web development. Rasmus Lerdorf is the man accredited with designing this language. The PHP development team along with Zend technologies developed the language. The letters PHP once stood for Personal Home Page but now stand for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.