Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Creator: Konrad Zuse
    Uses: Created for engineering purposes
    Name: German for Plan Calculus
  • Fortran

    Creater: John Backus
    Uses: used for numerica and scientific computing
    Name: Formula Translating System

    Creator: Charles Katz
    Uses: It was supposed to be an imporvement for the FORTRAN
    Name: No name use
  • Lisp

    Creater: John McCarthy
    Uses: A language for computer algorithms
    Name: Came from LISt Processing

    Creators: Grace Hopper, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet
    Uses: Mainly for business, finances, and administrative systems
    Name: COmmon Business-Oriented Language
  • RPG

    Creator: IBM
    Uses: High level programming language used for business apps
    Name: Report Program Generator

    Created: John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz
    Uses: Make an all around easier program
    Name: Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • LOGO

    Creater: Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon
    Uses: Used for educational purposes
    Name: Uses greek logo which means thought to distingush it from other programs which normally used numbers
  • B

    Created by: Ken Thompson
    Uses: A better program for the Multics system.
    Name: Based on Bon which was the name of an earlier program made for Multics.

    Creator: Niklaus Worth
    Uses: An imperative and procedural programming language
    Name: Named in honor of Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Created: Dennis Ritchie & Bell Labs
    Uses: General purposes
    Name: No reason
  • ML

    Creator: Robin Milner
    Uses: a general purpose functional programming language
    Names: metalanguages
  • SQL

    Creator: Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce
    Uses: program designed to manage data held in a RDBMS
    Name: Structured Query Language
  • ADA

    Created by: Jean Ichbiah
    Uses: Made to supersede all of the languages made for DoD
    Name: ADA was named after the first computer programer Ada Lovelace
  • C++

    Created by: Bjarne Stroustrup
    Uses: A intermediate computer language with high and low level language features
    Name: Came from C
  • Python

    Creator: Guido van Rossum
    Uses: A general purpose, high powered computer program
    Name: No reason
  • Visual Basic

    Creator: Microsoft
    Uses: a third generation programming language and integrated development environment for Microsoft to use its COM programming model
    Name: No reason
  • Java

    Creater: James Gosling
    Uses: so that one code can run on mulitple platforms
    Name: No name
  • Javascript

    Creater: Brendan Eich
    Uses: used as parts of web browsers
    Name: No name
  • PHP

    Creator: Rasmus Lerdorf
    Uses: a side scripting language designed for web development
    Name: Personel Home Page
  • Delphi

    Uses: Usually for consoles, desktop graphical, and mobile apps
    Name: Embarcadero Delphi