Ada lovelace

Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse described this language durring the time period 1943-1945, however it was never implemented to a device until much later.
  • Fortran is released

    John W. Backus created Fortran to replace the assembly language for IBM's mainframes, and to make a higher level numeric and scientific computing language.

    Charles Katz led the development of this language to improve Fortran and improve data compiling.
  • Lisp

    This language, developed by John McCarthy, was intended to simplify data storage within computer through data trees and self hosting computation.
  • RPG

    The business language developed by IBM to run their microcomputers.
  • COBOL named and defined

    The language Created in part by Grace Hopper to serve (as its name suggests) as a COmmon Business-Oriented Language for many major corporations.

    John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed BASIC to act as a "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" for general use in writing cusotm software.
  • LOGO

    The brainchild of Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert that took Lisp and made another multi-paradigm family specifically for instruction through data and Graphics.
  • B first released

    Programmer Ken Thompson, assisted by Dennis Ritchie, created B to run in specific mainframes and microcomputers that understood its code. When these dissapeared it became extinct.

    The instructional programing language writen by Niklaus Wirth.
  • C

    Dennis Ritchie created C to run the telephone systems at Bell Labs in conjunction with UNIX.
  • ML first developed

    Robin Milner developed the ML "metalanguage" to serve as a general-purpose functional programming language.
  • SQL

    The Structured Query Language developed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce for database management.
  • ADA is created and used privately

    The government hired a team led by Jean Ichbiah to ceate ADA (named for Ada Lovelace) to create a standard hardware independent language for the DoD.
  • C++ is released

    Bjarne Stroustrup releases the first commercial version of C++, his name for the developed language called C with Classes. This language can be used for a wide variety of server, user and entertainment software, as well as for hardware development.
  • Delphi

    Anders Hejlsberg at Borland developed the Delphi language for use in a Windows IDE specifically moble applications.
  • Visual-BASIC

    Microsoft's language that derived from Dartmouth BASIC in its syntax but had a unique IDE. Became a marketable language to learn.
  • Java

    Oracale corporation once Sun Microsystems, hired James Gosling to create Java for web applications.
  • PHP announced

    Rasmus Lerdorf designed PHP to use HTML embedding to improve web development and scripting.
  • Javascript officially named and released

    Brendan Eich created JavaScript as part of Netscape's battle with Microsoft and first released it under this name in the deployment of the Netscape browser version 2.0B3.
  • Python

    The universally encompasing language developed and led by Guido van Rossum that is usefull for all varieties of tasks.