Programming Language

  • Fortran

    This language was developed by IBM for scientific and engineering applications.
  • Object Oriented Programming

    Object-oriented programming focused less on procedural code and more on elements.

    A general-purpose high-powered coding language used for its simplicity so average students could also program.
  • Pascal

    This language was developed to help teach good programming practices and structures.
  • C

    C is a general-purpose procedural language. It was used to easily map machine instruction.
  • C++

    This language was an addition to C, adding the use of classes.
  • Objective-C

    Objective-C was originally made as an extension to the C language, but it morphed into the main language for IOS and MACOS X development
  • Perl

    This program was developed to simplify report processing for UNIX.
  • Bash

    Bash is the command interpreter for the GNU operating system.
  • J

    This language was based on APL, but revised to stop a character issue, only using ASCII.
  • Python

    This language was developed with code readability in mind.
  • Visual Basic

    The reason this language was developed as a way to mainstream programming on windows platforms; its basis is BASIC.
  • PHP

    PHP is used in web development to make dynamic and interactive websites.
  • Java

    Java was developed as a way for consumer electronics to communicate with each other universally.
  • ColdFusion

    This language was made by Adobe to develop web applications, originally used to connect HTML pages to a database better.
  • Javascript

    Javascript was developed as a "glue" language that tied interfaces with more in-depth code.
  • Ruby

    Ruby was made as a way to make programming fun, with an emphasis on human readability.
  • ActionScript

    ActionScript was a 2d vector animation language for Adobe.
  • C#

    C# was developed by Microsoft in response to other languages like Java blacklisting them from commercial usage.
  • Visual Basic .NET

    This language was developed as a successor to the visual basic language using the .net framework.
  • F#

    This language was developed by Microsoft to bring a functional programming language to their .NET infrastructure.
  • Dart

    This language was developed by Google and is used in mobile apps and web development.
  • Go

    Developed by Google, this language was made to support the handling of multiple cores at a time, with an emphasis on concurrency.
  • Swift

    Swift was developed with code safety in mind, it takes all precautions to make sure that applications won't fail.