
  • Plankakul

    Konrad Zuse
    Programing language for engineering purposes.
  • Fortran

    John Backus, et al
    Scientific and Enginerering applications.

    Charles Katz
    An early programming language for UNIVAC I and II
  • Lisp

    2nd Oldesnt language, practical math notation for computer programing.

    Grace Hopper, et al
    Buisness/financial/administrative systems.
  • RPG

    High level language for buisness applications.

    John George Kemeny, Thomas Eugene Kurtz
    General purpose high level programing language that emphasizes ease of use.
  • LOGO

    Daniel G. Bobrow, et al
    Educational, commands for movement and drawing graphics.
  • B

    Ken Thompson, et al
    Independant applications such as system and language software.

    Niklaus Wirth
    Efficient to encourage good programing practices.
  • C

    Dennis Ritchie
    Re-implement the Unix operating system.
  • C++

    Bjorn Stroustrup
    All purpose for desktop applications and servers
  • Java

    James Gosling
    Gernal purpose, deisgned to have few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • ML

    Robin Millner
    Develop proofs in Calculas
  • SQL

    Donald D. Chamberlin
    Managing databases
  • ADA (Ada Lovelace)

    Jean Ichbiah, et al
    Improved support for systems.
  • Python

    Guido Van Rossum
    Code Readability-express code in fewer lines.
  • Delphi

    Andres Hejlsberg
    Desktop, graphical, web and mobile applications.
  • Javascript

    Brednan Ecl
    Used as part of web browsers.
  • PHP

    Rasmus Lerdorf
    Web documents and general purpose programming.
  • Plankalkul

  • Visual Basic

    Alan Cooper - Microsoft
    Easy to learn and use programming language.