Progamming Language Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Created by Konrad Zuse and was designed for engineering, and was the first high-level non-van Neumann programming language.
  • Period: to

    Programming Languages (Years of appearance)


    Created by John Backus at IBM to allow easy translation of math formulas into code, and was the first high-level language. It stands for FORmula TRANslation.

    Created by Charles Katz as the language for UNIVAC I and II and was intended as an imporvment over FORTRAN.
  • Lisp

    Created by John McCarthy as to have practical mathematical notation for computer programs. Lisp pioneered many ideas in modern computer science and is still used today.

    Created by Grace Hopper for use in buisness, finance, and administrative systems, but is not widely used anymore. It stands for COmmon Buisness Oriented Language.
  • RPG

    Created by IBM and was originally used for punched card machines and is still used today on IBM Power i platform. It stands for Report Program Generator.

    Created by John G. Kennedy and Thomas E. Kurtz and stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." BASIC was created in order to help everybody use a computer instead of just mathematicians and scientists.
  • Logo

    Created by Wally Feurzeigand Seymour Papert, and is a dialect of Lisp. It was designed to teach concepts of programing related to Lisp.
  • B

    Created by Ken Thompson to try to create a language that can fit into mini-computers of the times. B is a precursor to the more popular "C" language.

    Created by Niklaus Wirth and was intended to encourage positive programming practices.
  • C

    Created by Dennis Ritchie and is now a base which many other newer languages borrow from. C encourages cross-platform programming andwas at one time the international standard.
  • ML

    Created by Robin Milner and was desgined to develop proof tactics in the LCF thoerem prover. It stands for Meta-Language.
  • SQL

    Created by Donald D. Chamberlain and Raymond F. Boyce and was designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. It stands for Structured Query Language.
  • ADA

    This language was created by Jean Ichbiah and Cii Honeywell Bull for the military to have a standard lanuage, and was named after Ada Lovelace.
  • C++

    Created by Bjarne Stroustrup and was designed to be an easy to use general purpose language, and it became one of the most widely used of the time.
  • Python

    Created by Guido van Rossum, and its philosphy is to emphasize coding effeciency and readability.
  • Visual Basic

    Created by Microsoft and was desgined to be easy to learn and use for those learning how to program.
  • Delphi

    Created by Borland and essensially object Pascal but with tools similar to Visual Basic.
  • PHP

    Created by Rasmus Lerdorf and was designed for web development. It standed for Personal Home Page origianlly, but now stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
  • Java

    Created James Gosling and Sun Microsystems and was originally desgined for interactive T.V. but was too advanced for the time. Java is one ofthe most popularly used languages today.
  • Javascript

    Created by Brandon Eich and is used widely as a part of web browsers and other things like desktop widgets.