U.S. History

  • Proclamation of 1763

    The colonists couldn't settle west of the Appalachian.
    British wanted to let their native americaan allies to keep the Appalachian mountians as their native american land.
  • Sugar Act passed

    Taxes on sugar, and other products shipped to the colonies , and gave harsh punishments to smugglers.
  • Quartering Act passed

    cost-saving measure that required the colonies to quarter or house British troops.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    All commmercial mail, and legal mail had to have stamps that showed taxes had to be paid.
  • Stamp Act Repealed--Declatory Act Passed

    Paraliamant finnaly saw that the Stamp Act was a mistake, then then he passed the Declatory Act, which means the British have control over the colonies.
  • Townshend Act passed

    Suspended New Yorks assembly until New Yorkers agreed to ouse British troops, the other duties for the act import things from Europe ad America.
  • Boston Massacacre---same day, Townshend Acts repealed

    Killings of innocent protesters from British, Townshend Act stopped by protesters.
  • Tea Act Passed

    Gave the Britsh, East indian Company control over the American tea trade gave tea and people had to pay taxes with the tea they bought, which was lead to the Boston Tea Party.
  • Intolerable Acts passed

    parliamant passed a series of laws to punish the Massasuchets colony and to serve as a warning to other colomnies AKA Coercive Acts because the acts were so harsh the colonists called it the Intolerable Acts.
  • British troops ordered to Lexington and Concord

    Also caused the Shot Heard Around the World and started the Revolutionary War, but the Americans lost.