Presidents of Era (1860-1928)

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    -Created the Emancipation Proclamtion to try to prevent civil war
    -Supported the Homestead act the allowed poor in the east to obtain land in the west.
    -The famous speech the Gettysburg Address where Lincoln explained that the Civil War was being fought to see if our nation would servive.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    • Signned the Civil Rights Bill -Purchased Alaska from Russian Empire in 1867 -He was helpgul to the Southern states, and enforced less harsh treatment of the defeated rebels
  • Ulysses Simpson Grant

    Ulysses Simpson Grant
    • Signned billes that let you have redemption of gold for U.S. paper dollars. -Treaty of London is created to resolve problems with Great Britain -The Whiskey Ring Scandal is exposed
  • Rutherford Birchard Hayes

    Rutherford Birchard Hayes
    -Ended Reconstruction, and removed Federal Troops from the Former Confederacy.
    -Attempted to build the Panama Canal, because he thought that Central American should be under US-control.
    -Executive order that denined federal office holders from being in party politics and protected them from receiving party contributions.
  • James Abram Garfield

    James Abram Garfield
    -Attempted to reestablish the Independance of the Presidency
    -Started the work of Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
    -Successfully led a brigade at Middle Creek, Kentucky against Confederate troops.
  • Chester Alan Arthur

    Chester Alan Arthur
    -Signed the Tariff Act of 1883
    -Signed the Edmunds Act that made it so Bigamists and Polygamists Couldn't vote or hold office.
    -His Administration Enacted the first General Federal Immigration law.
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    -Signed an Act creating the Interstate Commerce Commission
    -Passed a Bill in 1886 that would require the government to coin unlimited amounts of silver, inflating the then-deflating currency.
    -Geronimo surrenderes, ending Apache wars of New Mexico and Arizona.
  • Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison
    -Passed the Sherman Antitrust Act
    -Passed the Dependent and Disability Pensions Act
    -Tariff was removed from imported raw sugar, and sugar growers in the United States
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    -Signed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    -Allowed McKinley Tariff to become law without his signature.
    -Cleveland vetoes the first of several bills granting military pensions to Civil War Union veterans who had appealed to Congress after their claims were rejected by the Pensions Bureau.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    -William McKinley signed annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States
    -In Civil Service administration, McKinley reformed the system to make it more flexible in critical areas
    -Important act during McKinley's time was the Gold Standard Act where by the U.S. was officially placed on the gold standard.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    -Picked up the project and finished the Panama Canal.
    -Was the first president to create National Parks.
    -Passed the Antiquities Act in 1906.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    -Sought to further the economic development of undeveloped nations in Latin America and Asia through the method he termed "Dollar Diplomacy.
    -2 new amendments were sent to the states for ratification under his term, 1) Federal Income Tax and 2) direct election of Senators
    -The Interstate Commerce Commission was directed to set railroad rates.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    -1918 - Announced The Fourteen Points as guiding principles to the world after World War I. His allies adopted the "Treaty of Versailles.
    -1914 - Antitrust legislation that established the Federal Trade Commission
    -1916 - Signed law prohibiting child labor.
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    -Signed a series of bills and amendments passed by Congress into law that regulated the farm industry
    -Harding ended the First World War with treaties that built on the Treaty of Versailles.
    -Supports anti-lynching movement
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    -Coolidge signed the Radio Act of 1927, which assigned regulation of Radio to the newly created Federal Radio Commission.
    -In 1924 Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1924, which reduced Income Tax rates and eliminated all Income Taxation for some Two million people.
    -On June 2, 1924, Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted full U.S. citizenship to all American Indians, while permitting them to retain tribal land and cultural rights.