
  • Period: to

    Rutherford B. Hayes

  • Wilson-Gorman Tariff

    Tariff reduction
  • Half-Breeds

    Led by James G. Blaine, competing for control of the Republican Party, favored reform
  • Stalwarts

    Led by Roscoe Conkling; competign for control of the Republican Party; favored traditional, professional machine politics
  • Period: to

    James Garfield

  • Period: to

    Chester A. Arthur

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Prohibited new Chinese immigrants from entering America and prevented Chinese already residing in America from gaining citizenship
  • Civil Rights Cases

    Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment prohibited state governments but not private organizations from practicing racism
  • Pendleton Act

    Required that some federal jobs be filled by competitive written examinations
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

  • Haymarket Square

    Began as a strike, a bomb was thrown, killingand injuring people, anarchists were blamed
  • Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois

    Ruled one of the Granger Laws in Illinois unconstitutional - the law was an attempt to control interstate commerce and therefore an infringement on the exclusive powers of Congress
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    railroad regulation-banned discrimination on rates between long and short hauls, required that railroads publish their rate schedules and file them with the governmetn, and declared all interstate rail rates must be "reasonable and just"
  • Dawes Act

    gradual elimination of tribal ownership of land and the allotment of tracts to individual owners
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

  • McKinley Tariff

    highest protective measure ever proposed to congress
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    law against trusts, mostly symbolic and ineffective
  • Populist Party

    appealed principally to farmers--those becoming less competative in an increasinly maechanized farming economy. Proclaimed a party in Omaha
  • Homestead Strike

    reaction to wage cuts, Pinkerton Detective Agency called to break up strike, governor sent national guard to stop strike
  • Panic of 1893

    most severe depression so far, demonstrated interconnectedness of economy
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

  • Coxey's Army

    March to Washington to present demands of the unemployed to the president, stopped before destination was reached
  • Pullman Strike

    response to wage cuts, paralyzed railroads nationwide, especially in the west, the president stepped in to stop it
  • Cross of Gold Speech

    Popular speech supporting free silver
  • Dingley Tariff

    raised tariff to highest point in history
  • Period: to

    William McKinley

  • Annexation of Hawaii

    estended territory status to Hawaii
  • Spanish American War

    motivated by imperialism
  • Sinking of the Maine

    reported to apeal to patriotism and national outrage (was actually result of an accident)
  • Debate over the Philippines

    Annexation seemed inevitable, but roused debate and division in America
  • Hay's Open Door Notes

    Each nation with a sphere of influence in China was to respect the rights and priviledges of other nations in their sphere
  • Gold Standard Act of 1900

    confirmed nation's committment to the gold standard by setting a specific golg value to the dollar
  • Boxer Rebellion

    secret nationalist society launched a revolt against foreigners in China, culminating in a siege of the foreign diplomatic corps
  • McKinley's Assassination

    by an enemy of the government
  • The "Square Deal"

    Roosevelt's ideals formed into a domestic program
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

  • Unted Mine Workers Strike of 1902

  • National Reclamation

    gave federal government authority over federal land
  • Establishment of the Department of Labor and Commerce

  • Elkins Act

    Amended the Interstate Commerce Act
  • Hepburn Act

    Gave ICC authority over railways
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Protected the public from aldultured food and unhealthy drugs
  • Meat Inspection Act

    meant to prevent adultured or misbranded meat
  • Hetch Hetchy Controversy

    controversy between whether or not to dam the valley in order to make a reserve for San Fransisco, earthquake of '06 strengthened "for" standpoint
  • Panic of 1907

    ressession, not Roosevelt's fault though he was blamed, showed government's lack of control over economy
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff

    reduced tariff hardly at all and raised it in some areas
  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

  • Mann-Elkins Act

    Strengthened Interstate Commerce Act
  • Establishment of Children's Bureau

    made to protect the welfare of children
  • Pinchot-Balliner Dispute

    dispute iver lands, whether Ballinger was using federally protected land for personal profit
  • Election of 1912

    Roosevelt v Taft (Split Republican Party) v Wilson
  • Wilson's New Freedom

    progressive program bent on destroying trusts and monopoly
  • Bull Moose/Progressive Party

    Established by Roosevelt, returning to the presidential election
  • Roosevelt's New Natioinalism

    progressive program advocating regulation of trusts and monopoly
  • 16th Amendment

    Graduated income tax
  • 17th Amendment

    Direct election of senators
  • Underwood Simmons Tariff

    reformed tariff-income tax, ect
  • Establishment of Federal Reserve Board

    to moniter federal reserve banks
  • Federal Reserve Act

    created twelve regional banks controlled by individual banks of each respective district
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

  • Establishment of Federal Trade Commission

    regulation agnency that would help businesses determine whether their practices would be agreeable to the government
  • Smith-Lever Act

    Cooperatice Extension Service, federal funds for education
  • Louis Brandeis Appointed to Supreme Court

    prompted bitter controversy, in court 20 years, no previous experience in public offfice
  • Keating Owen Act

    child labor laws
  • 19th Amendment

    Women's suffrage
  • 18th Amendment

    Prohibition (bann on alcohol)