
Pregnancy Timeline

  • First Month for Mother

    First Month for Mother
    Mother doesn't know she's pregnant, her blood volume decreases 15%, mother may become fatigued as she adjusts to hormonal changes, and she may develop food sensitivity, meaning that certain foods may make the mother's stomach turn or sick.
  • First Month for Baby

    First Month for Baby
    The cells divide up and the embryos begin to form, the heart is the first organ of the baby to start forming, the blood cells begin to provide oxygen and nutrients for the embryo, and the baby is the size of a kidney bean in this month.
  • Second Month for Mother

    Second Month for Mother
    Mother has to be careful with alcohol and drugs during this month, hormone levels adjust and constant mood swings become stronger, mother begins developing certain cravings in order to provide those nutrients for the baby, and nausea and/or vomiting becomes more severe.
  • Second Month for Baby

    Second Month for Baby
    The baby would now be able to fit inside a walnut shell, baby officially becomes known as a fetus, fetus is provided nutrients through the placenta, and the brain slowly begins to develop.
  • Third Month for Mother

    Third Month for Mother
    The mother receives her very first ultrasound scanning, mother learns her possible due date, mother's uterus grows to the size of a grapefruit and her abdomen begins to widen, and the nausea may decrease as the mother gets used to the hormonal changes.
  • Third Month for Baby

    Third Month for Baby
    The baby's body begins to twitch as the nerves begin to develop slowly, this is known as involuntary spasms, the heart gains speed, beating 157 beats per minute, the baby is usually between 2 to 4 inches long by this month, and the baby's fingers and toes may develop nails.
  • Fourth Month for Mother

    Fourth Month for Mother
    The mother begins to feel baby kicks and reflexes, the risks of miscarriage subside, mother may began to feel a slight sensation in her lower abdomen which may feel like bubbles or fluttering, and the mother hears her baby's heartbeat for the first time.
  • Fourth Month for Baby

    Fourth Month for Baby
    The baby gains the stepping reflex, stretching out its legs and feet, depending on the angle the baby, the sex could very well be determined, the baby's nervous system is up and running by the fourth month, and the baby learns to grab because the hands grow faster than the feet.
  • Fifth Month for Mother

    Fifth Month for Mother
    Mother feels movement of baby stronger than she had before, uterus has grown to the size of a cantaloupe, the ultrasound around this month tends to spark the bond between the mother and baby, and the mother may gain 5 to 15 pounds.
  • Fifth Month for Baby

    Fifth Month for Baby
    The baby's digestive system has fully developed and is functioning, the baby's eyes are closed up until about 24 weeks and the baby soon develops the blinking reflex, the baby's fingerprints begin to form, and hair begins to form on the baby's head.
  • Sixth Month for Mother

    Sixth Month for Mother
    The mother becomes more aware of the baby's movements, the abdomen continues to grow as the morning sickness completely passes, the mother may become more energetic as she gets used to balancing her hormones, and the uterus is the size of a basketball.
  • Sixth Month for Baby

    Sixth Month for Baby
    At this time, everything in the baby has developed and is functioning, since the baby is at least 24 weeks in this month, it could be born and have a 50% chance of living, the baby's senses begin to form except for sight, and the baby's eyes are now opening and closing.
  • Seventh Month for Mother

    Seventh Month for Mother
    A bond is created between the mother and baby as the sounds of the mother's voice travel through the amniotic fluid to allow the baby to hear what's being said, the mother's feet and hands may start cramping, the mother's joints may feel more relaxed in preparation for birth, and stretch marks may develop on the mother's stomach or thighs.
  • Seventh Month for Baby

    Seventh Month for Baby
    Eyelashes begin to form on the baby's eyelids, the eye color isn't yet determined, but the genes from the parents will take part in the development of the baby's eye color, the baby begins to hear sounds from outside the womb stronger, and the baby starts to develop fat under their skin.
  • Eighth Month for Mom

    Eighth Month for Mom
    The mother's heart rate during this month is determined by the emotions the mother experiences, the mother begins to feel baby move every day from this month forward and begins to feel the hiccups the baby releases, the mother's voice begins to influence the rhythm in which the baby kicks, mother will continue to gain about a pound a day.
  • Eighth Month for Baby

    Eighth Month for Baby
    At this time, the baby tends to sleep most of the time in the womb until birth, the baby begins to prepare itself for life outside the womb, the lungs finally begin to form fully, and baby begins to react to sudden sounds with a startle reflex.
  • Ninth Month for Mother

    Ninth Month for Mother
    The mother may begin to feel uncomfortable due to the weight of the baby and may develop anxiety along with body aches, the gaining fat begins to put more weight on the mother, the mother may have difficulty sleeping at night due to the pressure on the pelvic bone, and the mother may be able to breath better once the baby settles in the pelvis bone.
  • Ninth Month for Baby

    Ninth Month for Baby
    Settles into fetal position with it's head down against the birth canal, the brain and head have grown as much as they can while in the womb, baby can be born anytime between the 37th and 42nd week of pregnancy, however, the longer the baby stays in the womb, the healthier it'll be, and in this last month, the baby begins to shed the layer of hair that protected them in the uterus.