Pregnancy P1

  • Zygote Formed

    Zygote Formed
    Zygote is formed in the Fallopian tubes when Sperm joins with Egg
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    In the first month the amniotic sac is created which helps protect the fertilized egg and later on cushions the embryo during pregnancy.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    The placenta is created to send nutrients from the mother to the baby and wastes from the baby to the mother.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Body parts like the throat, lower jaw, and mouth are being developed.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Blood cells are developing which means that circulations starts.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    The baby is one fourth of an inch, about the size of a grain of rice.
  • Month Two

    Month Two
    More body parts of the baby like the arms, legs, fingers, toes, and eyes are beginning to develop during the second month but aren’t fully grown.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    The spinal cord, brain, and parts of the central nervous system are created. Digestive tract and the human senses are created.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    The cartilage begins the process of converting into bones.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    The embryo begins moving.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    At the end of the second month the baby is now a fetus and measures one inch.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    By the last month of the first trimester the body of the baby is fully developed, the baby has arms, legs, toes, fingers, feet, and can open its mouth and fists.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Fingernails and toenails are fully developed.
    Beginnings of teeth are being developed.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    The baby’s reproductive organ is also developing in the last month of the trimester but they still can’t tell if its a female or a male.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    The urinary and circulatory system are now formed and working, and the liver begins producing bile.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    At the end of the trimester the baby is three to four inches long and weighs approximately about an ounce.
  • 13 Weeks

    13 Weeks
    Fetus is now 3 inches long and weighs one ounce. Finger prints are in place. Muscles become organised.
  • Weeks 14 and 15

    Weeks 14 and 15
    Fetus is 3 and a half inches long. Eyes are moving towards the centre of it's head, the nose is more pronounced, and the ears, cheekbones and hair are developing. In week 15, the child develops taste buds, and a fine hair called Lango
  • Weeks 16 17 and 18

    Weeks 16  17 and 18
    Baby can grasp hands, even sumersault. Circulatory and Urinary systems are all up and functioning. Lungs practice inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid. In week 18, it is possible (with the baby weighing 6 ounces) that the sex be known, as the genitals are formed.
  • Weeks 19 and 20

    Weeks 19 and 20
    The baby's muscles, being in constant development, will start to flail, causing kicks that are felt by the mother. In week 20, a child will be able to hear and recognise a a mother's voice. In this stage, the baby is growing very quickly, and could survive outside the womb.
  • Weeks 21 and 22

    Fetus develops layers of fat to keep itself warm and help throughout the delivery. In week 22, it's about 11 inches long and weighs 3/4 pounds.Eyebrows, eyelids, and fingernails are fully developed.
  • Weeks 23 and 24

    Weeks 23 and 24
    Fetus is proportioned like a newborn baby, but it still does not have the fat it needs. By week 24, the baby will be covered with thin hair and a waxy substance that will be absorbed after birth. It practices breathing
  • Weeks 25 and 26

    Weeks 25 and 26
    Fetus weighs over 1 1/4 pounds. It is started to grow more rapidly, and it's brain is developing and growing quickly as well. End of second trimester.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    The baby measures about 36 cm and weighs about 900g - 1800g. If the baby is born he may be able to live.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Fat starts to deposit in the baby, the fat will help to heat the baby after birth.
  • Month 7

    Most of the baby's organs have developed except the lungs. He has the ability to urinate.
  • Month 7

    The baby will mimic the action of breathing with his diaphragm to be prepared for birth
  • Month Eight

    Month Eight
    The measurment of the baby is about 46 cm and weighs about 2.27 kg
  • Month eight

    Month eight
    The baby starts to rotate and he rests his head on the pubic bone.
  • Month Eight

    Month Eight
    The baby can now hear and his lung are fully functioning but he doesn't use them.
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    During this month the baby currenly weighs about 3.2 kg and he measures about 46-51 cm
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    He is now considered a full term baby.
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    The baby has now the ability to blink, turn his head etc.
  • Pregnancy

    The baby is now born