Ryan's Pregnancy Project

  • Birth Defects 1 and 2

    Down Syndrome- A group of problems that may include mental retardation; heart, blood, and digestive system difficulties; and poor muscle tone. Treatment includes therapy, special educational assistance. Cause is an extra chromosome 21. Cystic Fibrosis- Affects respiratory and digestive systems. Treatment now allows sufferers to live longer. Treatment is special diets, lung excercises, therapies, and medication. Cause is inheriting defective recessive genes from both parents.
  • Birth Defects 3 and 4

    Cerebral Palsy- A general term of a variety of problems of the motor system. Treatment is physical therapy, speech therapy, surgery, and medication. Cause vary but inclue damage to the brain before, during, or after birth. PKU- condition in which the body is unable to process and use specific protein present in nearly all foods. Brain damage and mental retardation can result. No known cure but a special diet can reduce brain damage. Defective recessive genes inheretited from both parents.
  • Birth Defect 5

    Sickle Cell Anemia- Malformed red blood cells interfere with the supply of oxygen to all parts o the body. Treatment ins medication. But there is no known cure. Defective recessive genes inherited from both parents. Most Common in African Americans.
  • Period: to


    What goes on throughout pregnancy
  • Conception

    The child is concieved.
  • First Month of Pregnancy

    First Month of Pregnancy
    The "Zygote" is the size of a pin head. This is the critical stage for brain and spinal cord development. The organs begin to form and the heart starts beating.
  • Second Month of Pregnancy

    Second Month of Pregnancy
    The "embryo" is now 1/4th of an inch. The face, eyes, ears, and limbs start to take shape. Also, the bones start to form
  • 3rd Month of Pregnancy

    3rd Month of Pregnancy
    The "fetus" is now 1 inch in length. The nostril, mouth, lips, and eyelids start to form. Fingers and toes are now almost completely formed by the end of the third month.
  • 4th Month of Pregnancy

    4th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus is now 3 inches long. It is also able to suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around. The face also starts to take a distinct shape.
  • 5th Month of Pregnancy

    5th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus is now 6 1/2 to 7 inches in length. The teeth are starting to develop. Also, the organs are now starting to mature and function properly.
  • 6th Month of Pregnancy

    6th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus iss now 8 to 10 inches in length. There are fat deposits under the skin but looks wrinkled. It also starts to show signs that is starting the breathing movements.
  • 7th Month of Pregnancy

    7th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus is now 10 to 12 inches in length. This is the stage where the fetus is active and then has long periods of rest and quiet.
  • 8th Month of Pregnancy

    8th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus is now 14 to 16 inches in length. The fetus starts to gain weight rapidly. Then it starts to turn upside down to prepare for birth.
  • 9th Month of Pregnancy

    9th Month of Pregnancy
    The fetus is now as big as it will be while still in the womb. It is 17 to 18 inches in length. The skin starts to smoothen, body starts to produce antibodies, and then it descends into the pelvis of the mother.
  • Birth

    The baby is now born.
  • PKU (Phenylketonuria)

    A baby MUST be tested for PKU (Phenylketonuria) once born in order to see if the newborn has this defect. This is where the baby's body is unable to break down certain proteins. This could lead to brain damage.