
By kkudera
  • week 1

    1. not actually pregnant yet, but your body prepares itself for when you become pregnant
    2. The uterus thickens so it can take care of the baby that will be coming.
  • week 2

    week 2
    1. the woman is ovulating
    2. the egg waits in the fallopian tubes, and when it meets sperm, the woman has conceived.
  • week 3

    1. The woman is pregnant and the chromosomes from the male and female begin to combine.
    2. The cells begin to divide as they travel down the fallopian​ tubes.
  • week 4

    week 4
    1. The amniotic sac begins to form
    2. The cells begin to divide into what will become the organs.
    3. the baby is smaller than a grain of rice
  • week 5

    1. several tubes begin to create the heart, brain, and spinal cord.
    2. the arms and legs begin to form.
  • week 6

    week 6
    1. the baby's body is about 1/2 inch long at this time 2.the baby's heart begins to beat.
    2. eyes and other organs begin to develop as well.
  • week 7

    1. baby is attached to mother by the umbilicle cord.
    2. All the organs the baby will need are forming
  • week 8

    week 8
    1. the ebryo is now called a fetus
    2. The face is forming, and the baby is the size of a bean
  • Week 9

    1. The baby weighs a little more than a penny.
    2. The reproductive organs are beginning to form, but it is still to soon to tell whether it is a boy or a girl.
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    1. The webbing between the toes and fingers have disappeared.
    2. the baby's eyes are wide open no, but soon the eyelids will close.
  • Week 11

    1. the baby now measures about 2 inches long
    2. the baby is growing fingernails and irises
  • week 12

    week 12
    1. the baby looks like it is a full grown person
    2. the chance of miscarriage drops significantly
  • week 13

    1.the placenta has formed and is feeding and taking out wastes of the baby.
    2. If you are having a girl her ovaries​ are already filled with eggs
  • Week 14

    Week 14
    1. the baby is now about the size of a small peach
    2. the baby is now covered with lots of tiny fur
  • Week 15

    1. The skin on the baby is very thin, and you can see through it.
    2. The baby's muscles are getting stronger
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    1. the baby is now about the size of a small apple.
    2. the mother also has an increased blood volume
  • Week 17

    1. by this week the baby's vital organs are beginning to function
    2. Also hair on the baby is beginning to grow.
  • Week 18

    Week 18
    1. At this time you can find out if it is a boy or a girl
    2. The baby's ears are developed enough to hear you
  • Week 19

    1. The baby is now coated with a layer of a waxy fluid to protect if from the amniotic fluid.
    2. under the baby's skin a layer of fat is beginning to form to keep itself warm.
  • Week 20

    Week 20
    1. the baby is 6.5 inches long and weighs about 11 ounces
    2. It is good to talk to the baby at this point, so he or she gets used to your voice
  • Week 21

    1. The baby may have rapid eye movements
    2. The bone marrow is producing lots of red blood cells.
  • Week 22

    Week 22
    1. the baby is beginning to produce hormons that will give its organs directions
    2. the baby's nerves are also beginning to form
  • Week 23

    1.The baby's brain is making connections to think
    2. The baby is getting ready to breathe on its own by inhaleing amniotic fluid
  • week 24

    week 24
    1. The baby weighs over a pound, and is about a foot in length
    2. if the baby were to be delivered at this stage, it would most likely survive with the help of a ventilator​.
  • Week 25

    1. parents may be able to hear the hearbeat of the child
    2. The skin goes from being clear to cloudy
  • Week 26

    Week 26
    1. the baby weighs about 2 pounds
    2. the baby's eyes have opened reveiling their color
  • Week 27

    1. This is the beginning of the 3rd trimester
    2. The brain is making connections to control the baby's body
  • Week 28

    Week 28
    1. The baby begins to move into position for birth
    2. The baby can blink, cough, and hiccup now
  • week 29

    1. the baby grows at a rapid rate now
    2. the brain is also becomimg more developed
  • Week 30

    Week 30
    1.the mother's feet may expand in preparation for labor
    2. the baby is about 11 inches long and about 3 pounds
  • week 31

    1. the baby's lungs are still developing.
    2. the mother may be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions.
  • week 32

    week 32
    1. any extra hair on the baby is falling out leaving only hair that is where it is ment to be
    2. The baby is about 4 pounds
  • Week 33

    1. The bones in the baby begin to harden
    2. the bones in the skull are the only ones that don't harden, so it can fit in the birth canal, and will remain soft for a few years to allow the brain to grow
  • Week 34

    Week 34
    1. most of the vital organ systems are almost able to function on their own.
    2. the baby is most likely in a head down position, ready for birth
  • Week 35

    1. The baby is moving lower in your pelvis for delivery
    2. the baby weighs about 5.5 pounds, and for the next few weeks will gain about a half pound a week
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    1. the baby is close to being considered full term
    2. much of the waxy substance that surrounded the baby has dissolved
  • week 37

    1. the baby is now full term, and could be born at any time
    2. the baby's immune system is getting ready
  • Week 38

    Week 38
    1. the baby weighs 6.5 pounds, and much of that is fat to keep it warm.
    2. All the organs are working now, and the brain has taken over control of its body
  • Week 39

    1. the baby weighs about 7 pounds
    2. if the Braxton contractions become more regular, its time to go to the doctor.
  • week 40

    week 40
    1. This should finally be the time the mother gets to meet her little bundle of joy!
    2. If the baby isn't born by this time, it is time to talk to the doctor