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  • 1965 BCE

    Selma March

    Selma March
    On March 7th, 1965, also known as Bloody Sunday. 600 marchers would walk 50 miles to Montgomery to protest their right to vote. the county police were waiting across the Edmond Pettus Bridge. The police order the protester to go back, and in response, the protesters will kneel and pray. The police will then attack the protesters with clubs and gas as white spectators cheered them on. The TV broadcast will capture the violence and help gain support for the blacks.
  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    The G.I. Bill was created by President Eisenhower. The G.I. Bill will allow World War II veterans low-interest rates, fully paid college tuitions and business loans. This program is also still around today. It will be introduced in June of 1944. This bill helped politicians determine what benefits war veterans would receive after the war was over.
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    Civil Rights

  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was at first a metaphor for the divide between East and West Europe. The metaphor was first used by Winston Churchill, in his speech at Fulton Missouri on March 5th , 1046saying the divide will close off Eastern Europe to Western ideas. The Soviets will, later on, create physical barriers across Eastern Europe. These new physical barriers will consist of barricades and barbered wire, so literally, a curtain made of iron.
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    The Cold War

  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was created in 1948 by Geroge Marshall. It was created to assist Europe to rebuild after World War Two. The Marshall Plan would loan out money to help rebuild Western Europe. BYing doing so it would help restore peoples faith in capitalism. It will also introduce American labor, farming, and manufacturing practices to Europe. The Marshall Plan will be exclusively used in Europe and only apply to Europe.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was created because Stalin did not like that there was capitalism in Germany and he will close off the borders to enter Germany. Not allowing for U.S, Britain, or French troops inside to supply the people with food and supplies. And because of this US and British troops will fly planes into West Berlin to supply the people through air shipments. They will fly in tons of supplies. This last for a year and Stalin will reopen the borders.
  • Joseph McCarthy

    Joseph McCarthy
    Joseph McCarthy was a Wisconsin Senator that claim he had a list of communist, though it was only a prop. He would accuse Democrats, celebrities, and government officials of being communist. He would also intimidate witnesses, ignore facts, and make up charges. Though one day he will go too far and will be called out and be censored by Congress for faslely accusing people and making up crimes.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    The Beat Generation was a movement that became extremely popular during the 1950's. It was a literary movement that consisted of artist, novelists, and poets. They believed in rejecting the normal American materialism and culture. They rejected things like home ownership, careers, and marriage. Instead, they believed in individual freedoms, pleasure, drugs, and sex. They were called Beats or Beatniks or proto-hippies. This generation will begin the foundation for war protest in the 1960's.
  • TV Shows

    TV Shows
    TV shows became a very popular form of entertainment during the 1950's. There were many shows that kept people entertained at home such as "I Love Lucy", "Gunsmoke", "Father Knows Best", "The Honeymooners", and " Bonanza". It showcased and celebrated the teen youth. And millions of people watched every day. Much like radios in the 30's and 40's every family had a TV at their house and it became a household item.
  • The Fair Deal

    The Fair Deal
    The Fair Deal was President Harry Truman's version of the New Deal. It focused on health care, public housing, education, and public works. It also focused on raising the minimum wage, getting electricity and telephones. Truman was very focused on this though he is forced to scale back because of the Korean War. They needed to stop the communist agenda, they also needed bi-partisan support. president Truman would also fight to keep the New Deal in place.
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  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education was a famous Supreme Court case during the Civil rights movement. This court cases took place in 1954 in Topeka, Kansas. It began because of a girl by the name of Linda Brown want to go to the white school that was by her house, instead of having to go across town to the blacks only elementary school. Her family will go to court and win though it did not change much besides allowing separate but equal.
  • Dr. Jonas Salk

    Dr. Jonas Salk
    Dr. Jonas Salk was the doctor to first create the injectional polio vaccine. In 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk will introduce the vaccine that will save thousands of people. It was made by cultivating three strands of the virus in monkeys tissue. Before the vaccine was introduced thousands of people died, though after the creation of the vaccine polio was able to become eradicated form the U.S and nearly the world by 1994.
  • Emmett Till Tragedy

    Emmett Till Tragedy
    In the Summer of 1955, Emmet Till was sent to Money, Mississippi from Chicago by his mother so that he would be familiar with segregation. He whistled to a white woman named Carol Bryant. And four days later Emmet Till was abducted by Carol's husband. He would be driven to a nearby shed and beaten
  • Bill Haley and the Comets

    Bill Haley and the Comets
    Bill Haley and the Comets are the ones that make Rock & Roll so popular during the 1950's with their hit song "Rock Around the Clock Tonight". The band started in 1952 and will last until 1981, ending when Bill Haley dies. From the years between 1952 and 1981, they will have a total of 12 members. Some of their greatest hits were "Rip It Up" and "Skinny Minnie". This band will orginiate from Chester Pennsylvannia.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Four months after the death of Emmet Till, a woman by the name of Rosa Parks will refuse to give up her seat to a white man. She was arrested and went to jail. And because of this a woman by the name of Jo Ann Robinson will begin the word of a boycott. People will boycott the buses and will walk or carpool to the places they need to go. The Boycott was successful and will continue for a year. And the bus company will nearly go out of business because most of the people who rode the bus was black
  • Eisenhower Interstate System

    Eisenhower Interstate System
    The Eisenhower Interstate System was opened on June 29th of 1956. Eisenhower was a fan of the German Brahn. This Interstate System allowed for people to travel from city to city throughout the United States. Though Eisenhower's main reason for creating the Interstate was because it would allow for easier transportation for the military in case of attack. It would also allow for the evacuation of cities in case of attack.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley was a Rock & Roll phenomenon during the 1950's. Though he was born into poverty, he will adopt rhythm and blues which he would gospel and country. He created his own sexually suggestive dance style called " Elvis the Pelvis". He will also make his own version of the African American song "Hound Dog" by Big Momma Thorton. He will make appearances on television shows such as Ed Sullivan. His type of music and dance moves will offend many Americans , mostly the older generation.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first orbiting satellite that was put into space. It was put into space by the Soviet Union/Russia in the fall of 1957. Though it was only a small metal ball it held great signficance. During this time there was major competition between the Soviet Union and the United States and by being able to put this satellite into space first it was way of showing that they were more advanced. It made Americans fearful of falling behind the Soviet Union.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    After the Brown v. Board case, many whites still resisted integration, people still segregated themselves in buses, libraries, and parks. There were nine black students that were allowed to go to Central High School to slowly integrate blacks, in fear of intermining. Though Governor Orval Faubus will deny those 9 students entry to the school with the help of state troopers. All 9 students would walk together except for 1, Elizabeth Eckford. She will walk to school alone and will be harassed.
  • Little Richard

    Little Richard
    Little Richard was a popular African American Rock n' Roll artist. He was known for his hit song " Tutti Frutti". He was born on December 5th, 1932 in Macon, Georgia. He is still alive today, at the age of 85. He was known for his croons, wails, and screams which made his songs very distinct. And by doing so he helped develop the Rock n' Roll music. He was once married to Ernestine Campbell for 4 years. He also has a son named Danny Jones Penniman.
  • Sit-Ins

    During this time there were many forms of non-violent protest and one of the ways was sit-ins. The first sit-in occurred in Greensboro, North Carolina. This would spark the movement across the nation. Blacks would go to white lunch counters and would sit in white only seats. They would continue to sit there until they were served. It would hurt white businesses and would bring civil right to somewhere new. Many protesters were attacked and could not fight back. and many were arrested.
  • Ike Turner

    Ike Turner
    Ike Turner was a popular Rock & Roll artist during the late 1950's. He was most known for his hit song " Rocket 88". Many white artists will rip off many African American artists songs, making their own. Ike Turner born as Izear Luster "Ike" Turner, Jr. He was born on November 5th of 1931 and died on December 12th of 2007. He was also known for making the first Rock & Roll song. He married Tina Turner which they would create lots of music together.
  • New Frontier

    New Frontier
    The New Frontier was President John F. Kennedy's version of the New Deal. The New Frontier was a list of Kennedy's goals that he wanted to achieve during his presidency. In the New Frontier Kennedy wanted to raise the minimum wage, cut business taxes, land the first man on the moon because the Soviet Union was still ahead in the space race. He was able to cross off the man landing on the moon before he was assassinatied.
  • LSD

    LSD was one of the many drugs that those in the counterculture took during this time. It along with Heroin was extremely popular among The Counterculture. LSD is a synthetic crystalline compound and is short for lysergic acid diethylamide. It was similar to heroin in the sense that it is a hallucinogenic drug. It would allow for Hippies to explore their inner selves. It was taken as a pill, where you would just swallow it.
  • Hippies

    Hippies were the names given to those that participated in the counterculture during the 1960's. They believed in peace, living in the moment without inhibition and reject modern middle class values Rock music was a catalyst in spreading the counterculture. Many artists would transform music to match the counterculture ideas. Such as Bob Dylan and the Beatles. A popular festival that many hippies attended was Woodstock in New York.
  • Feminism

    During the 1960's there were many protests going on, one of them was Feminism. They believed in the equal rights for women and empowerment. A woman named Helen Gurley fought for the empowerment of women through encouraging women to embrace and explore their sexuality. She also encouraged women to get married when their looks begin to go away. Another woman named Betty Friedman believed in gender equality, that a women can do the same thing as a man and equal treatment, oppurtunity and pay
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  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    Albert Sabin was an American scientist that created the oral polio vaccine. He discovered it in 1961. By doing so he would allow for the eradication of polio and save millions of lives. He was born on August 26th, 1906. And will die on March 3rd, 1993. He went on the receive many awards such as the National Medal of Science for Biological Science. He will also receive the Presidential Medal of Honor.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion took place at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba from April 17th, 1961 to April 19th, 1961. It would only take 2 days. It would place under the Eisenhower and Kennedy administration. Eisenhower will approve the operation to overthrow Castro. They will be assured that it was a success though that was false. Because Cuban exiles will be brutally beaten back. As a result of the Kennedy will have to apologize for the failure, though he actually blamed the CIA.
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    The Peace Corps was founded during the Presidency of President Kennedy. It is used to help young college graduates working in poor conditions. It consisted of many humanitarian projects. Thier goal was to provide technical assistance, to help non-Americans understand American culture and to help Americans to understand non-American cultures. Kennedy believed that by creating the Peace Corps it would help promote world peace and friendship.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Rides will begin in the 1960's. They were a form of protest where blacks and whites would ride on the buses together. They would drive deep into the south to challenge southern resistance. By doing to it would cause violence and force the government's hand. In an incident in Anniston, Alabama a bus was pelted, its tires were slashed, the riders were beaten, and the bus was firebombed. In cases in Mississippi and Alabama riders would be intimidated and the police would look the other way.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Lee Harvey Oswald was the criminal in charge of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. He was an ex-marine. He defected to the U.S.S.R and was able to come back to the U.S with specials permission. He will shoot President Kennedy from the 6th floor of the book depository. He will shoot a total of five shots and two of those shots will hit the President. He will also hit the Governor of Texas. The shot that will kill President Kennedy is the fatal shot to the head, blowing his brains out.
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace
    Geroge Wallace was the governor of Alabama from 1963 to 1967. He was a Democrat. Similiar to Orval Faubus, George Wallace would block black students from entering the University of Alabama. President Kennedy will then bring in the troops and that will allow for the black students to get in. Wallace will then give a speech in which he says " Segregation now, Segregation tomorrow, Segregation forever." Then after he will run for president.
  • Anti-War Movement

    Anti-War Movement
    The Anti-War Movement was a movement during the 1960's that protested against the Vietnam war. They protested the opposition of the War. They protested by holding anti-war marches and other protests. Many of these protests were hosted by the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. Many of the protesters were young students. They gained lots of support after the Tet Offensive because it proved that the war was not being anywhere close to ending.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    On November 22nd, 1963 John F. Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas to campaign for his re-election in the 1964 Presidential elections when he was assassinated. He was traveling throughout Texas to San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas. He flew into Love Airfield in Dallas he would travel through downtown Dallas with the top of the convertible down and be sitting on top of the car. And as the car turns on to Elm Street a man named Lee Harvey Oswald, will shoot him from the 6th floor of a building .
  • The Warren Commission

    The Warren Commission
    The Warren Commision was set up by President Lyndon Johnson to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The commission consisted of all and any enemies of President Kennedy. There had been speculation that Oswald did not act alone, though it was concluded that Oswald had acted alone. Despite that conclusion, many people still didn't believe that he acted alone. Because the shot that would kill Kennedy looked as if it came from the side and not from behind him.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    Lester Maddox was also another segregation supporter. Maddox was a democratic politician. He owned a restaurant during the time where desegregation begins. And instead of integrating he closed down his restaurant just so he would not have to serve blacks. He will, later on, become the Governor of Georgia on the segregationist platform. And ironically the policies will ultimately help African Americans in Georgia. He will die on Septmember 13th, 1998.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom Summer was part of the Civil Rights Movement where whites would go to Mississippi to help register rural blacks to vote. On the first day of Freedom Summer, 3 civil rights workers will disappear. Two were white an done was black. They would be pulled over and arrested for a "speeding ticket". They were then let go but were tailed by Klan members and disappeared. They were found six weeks later shot in the head and buried in a dirt dam.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was the early celebration of the end of the Vietnam War. Generals believed that the war was almost over because they had killed so many. During January and February of 1968, the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese will launch massive strikes on South Vietnam. And to much of Americans taught the North Vietnamese would not give up. And because of the Tet Offensive 50K American troops will leave major towns leaving them exposed and Viet Congs will take them over, locking them out.
  • Nixon's Election

    Nixon's Election
    Richard Nixon was the Vice President of President Eisenhower. During the election of 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon will face off. And John F. Kennedy will win the election. Though during the election of 1968, Republican, Richard Nixon, and Democrat, Hubert Humphery will both run for the Presidential election. And Nixon will win and become the 37th President of the United States.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the space mission that would put the first man on the moon. As the Race to Space continued between the United States and the Soviet Union, the tension will become more and more intense. This national goal was set under the administration of President Kennedy.This space mission would last 8 days. The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong along with the pilot Buzz Aldrin. This event was widely watched around the world, thanks to the invention of the television.
  • Silent Majority's Involvement in politics

    Silent Majority's Involvement in politics
    Silent Majority was part of President Nixon's Domestic Policies. Nixon will try to solicit angry voters over liberal policies. He disliked programs that aided minorities, such as the New Deal and The Great Society Programs. Ultimately President Nixon will cut the Great Society programs. The silent majority were the people who usually did not vote. So he is asking for their help to vote and make a change. It became very popularized after his speech to end the vietnam war.
  • OPEC

    OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Countries. Today OPEC controls most of the world's oil. During the 1970's the U.S embargoed for supporting Israel in the Palestine/Israel conflict. And as a result of that, we will slowly run out of gas. And as a result of that, there will be long lines of cars for gas that would round corners. Speed limits will also drop to 55 mph. Though president Nixon will convince the Israelis to give up some territory and it will allow for the embargo to end.
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  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    The Equal Rights Amendment also known as the ERA. Congress will pass the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972, though it will fail state ratification by only 3 states in 1979. Although many people did support the Equal Rights Amendment some people did not. A woman by the name of Phyllis Schlafly will fight to stop the equal rights movement. She will organize conservative women and will gain support from conservatives all around the nation. She believed that women were to stay domestic.
  • The New Right

    The New Right
    The New Right was a collection of different conservative groups, such as businesses, religious groups, farmers, Democrats, and Neoconservatives. Many of these groups were angry over liberal policies like social welfare and busing. They wanted a smaller government and wanted to get industrial jobs back. This where the Democrats will lose votes because the south did not agree with them so from here most of the south will begin to vote for the Republican party.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court case about abortion. For years there had been protests to legalize abortion because many states had outlawed it. Only in some states, they would permit abortions if the mother's life was in danger or extreme reasons. A woman named Norma McCorvey would sue the state of Texas for the right of privacy. She would sue under the name Jane Roe. She would have the baby and give it up for adoption. And ultimately SCOTUS would rule abortion as unconstitutional.
  • Geralds Ford's Presidency

    Geralds Ford's Presidency
    Gerald Ford was a modest person. He would create the Warren Commission to investigate the Watergate Scandal. He will pardon Nixon for the Watergate Scandal and many people questioned his decision. By doing so it added more distrust the people had for Washington D.C and their government. Though he thought that by pardoning Nixon it would help the people get over the scandal. Many people believed that this was another scandal and that Nixon and Ford made a deal with each other.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal was Nixon's presidential scandal. Nixon would send five "plumbers" into the Watergate Hotel, which was the headquarters of the democratic party, to steal campaign information. They would wiretap the phones and rooms. Though one of the wires will break and they will have to return t the hotel and will be caught by the security guard. Nixon will distance himself from the scandal but ultimately he is caught and resigns before he is able to get impeached.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The Camp David Accords was a treaty between Israel and Egypt to ease the tensions in the Middle East. The treaty agrees that Israel will withdraw from the Sinai Penninsula, Gaza, and the West Bank. And also that Israelis will stop settling in the West Bank. and Palestinians will be promised a country. Though that will not happen. The treaty will be signed at Camp Davis. This treaty will promote peace by being the first treaty of its kind between these two countries.
  • NRA

    The NRA, short for National Rifle Association, was a program that became popular during the presidency of President Ronald Reagan. The NRA promoted gun safety. It became a very political organization once gun control laws came into place in the late 60's. It was lobbied in the 1980's. The NRA then endorsed President Ronald Reagan in 1980. The NRA is still extremely politically active today. And is popular among conservatives, the Republican party.
  • Discount Retailing

    Discount Retailing
    Discount Retailing would begin in the 1960's with stores such as Kmart, Home Depot, and Best Buy. A man named Sam Walton would create a store named Wal-Mart that would sell a wide variety of products at very low prices. He also created the just in time inventory that would make sure that products came to store just as they are needed. A woman named Estee Lauder would create a cosmetic and beauty products and give out free samples.
  • Robert Johnson

    Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson was the first ever black billionaire. He also founded B.E.T also known as Black Entertainment Television. He was born on April 8th, 1946. Robert Johnson is an American entrepreneur media magnate, executive, philanthropist, and investor. His company B.E.T was acquired by Viacom in 2001. He was once married to Lauren Wooden and Shelia Johnson. He is currently 72 years old, He also attended Princeton University.
  • Election of 1980

    Election of 1980
    The election of 1980 was between the two candidates, Jimmy Carter, Democrat and Republican Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter will become less popular due to the Iran Hostage Crisis. And it will cause him to lose the election to Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan will win the election by a landslide. He will win by 44 out of 50 states. This election was also nicknamed the Reagan Revolution because of how drastically he won by.
  • Sam Walton's Just In Time Inventory

    Sam Walton's Just In Time Inventory
    Sam Walton was a creator of a chain of stores named Wal-Mart, in the United States. It consisted of a wide variety of products at very low prices. He also created something called the "Just In Time Inventory". The Just in Time Inventory made sure that products only arrived at precise times when needed. This would allow for the company to not lose money by having extra stock of something and it came to the store just in time as the last of the products ran out.
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    Throughout the 80’s, artists such as Grandmaster Flash, the Furious Five, and Afrika Bambaataa were battling it out at parties in the park and local clubs to see who could best move the crowd with their music. By 1982, Record companies who had previously ignored the musical style were scrambling to fill their rosters with rap acts. Though , it wasn't until N.W.A's hit song 'Straight Outta Compton' in 1988 that turned rap music into a worldwide phenomenon.
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  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    The Iran Hostage Crisis will occur in April of 1980. The U.S will back a major oil supplier, Shah of Iran. He was a brutal dictator and an anti-communist and was extremely unpopular. Ayatollah Khomeini was the leader of the Islamic Revolution and was mistrusted by the U.S. The U.S will give amnesty to the Shah of Iran and because of that, the Iran Hostage Crisis will occur. After that 52 Americans were taken, hostage. Khomeini will neogociate to end the crisis
  • Reaganomics

    Reganonomics was part of President Ronald Reagan's Domestic policies. Reaganomics was made with the purpose to cut income taxes and corporate taxes. Reaganomics would spur the economy and create more and better jobs. It would also create a reduction on welfare spendings, such as welfare programs. In decreasing the welfare spending it would increase the defense and protection spending. It promoted the of unrestricted free market activity.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female Supreme Court Justice. She was nominated by President Regan. When she first became a Supreme Court Justice she started out as a Moderate and would side with conservatives of the court. Though as she continued her career she would become more liberal, siding with the liberals of the court. She retired her career in 2006 because of her husbands declining health (Alzheimer's). She was a Supreme Court Justice for 25 years beore retiring.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
    The SDI also was known as the Strategic Defense Initiative or "Star Wars". The SDI was a missile shield defense against the Soviet missiles. The SDI was a satellite with lasers much like the star destroyer in star wars, hence the star wars analogy. It was intended to give Soviets the same technology in hopes that they would go bankrupt from it. Though unfortunately, the SDI would fail. The Soviets would take the challenge and use resources developing it.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    The Iran Contra Affair was part of President Ronald Regan' s Foreign Policy. Sandinistas a pro-communist group would overthrow a pro-american dictator in Nicragua in 1979. President regan will secretly arm Contras, a group that was against the Sandinstas. And although Congress will find out and try to stop it President Regan's administration will still secretly fund the Contras. By sending them to Iran in exchange for the exchange of the release of american hostages.
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    During the 1980's there were much spaces inventions and advancements. One of those advancements was the first space shuttle in 1981. In 1986, a space shuttle by the name of challenger was made and was launched into the air for the first time. Though as exciting as it was it was also devastating because less than 2 minutes after take off the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded. It would explode with five NASA astronauts inside.
  • Persian Gulf War/ First Iraq War

    Persian Gulf War/ First Iraq War
    The Persian War occurs because of Saddam Hussein blames Kuwait for cheap oil. He then invaded Kuwait and they refused to forgive his debt so he claimed that Kuwait was part of Iraq historically. President Groege W Bush deployed troops to Saudi Arabia. There were two phases. Phase one was bombings. We bombed important Iraqi installations and destroyed power grids and communications. The second phase was ground troops. We defat the Iraqis in 4 days. Iraq then become sanctioned.
  • Affordability of Personal Computers

    Affordability of Personal Computers
    During this time personal computers will become extremely popular because they are now more affordable allowing for more people to be able to buy them. Not only that but the computer industry will flourish during this time as well and will become very lucrative. Technology will become very advanced and it will allow for people to communicate with each other instantly. Not only that but the invention of the internet will allow for people to have a use for computers.
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  • Election of 1992

    Election of 1992
    The Election of 1992 was among three candidates, Bill Clinton(Democrat), Geroge H W Bush(Republican), and Ross Perot(Independent). Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, was well liked and charismatic and understanding. George Bush was incumbent and was popular for the Persian Gulf War. He was also known for large deficts and down turning the economy. Ross Pernot was a successful businessman. Clinton will win 43% of the vote. Pernot will take votes away from George Bush.
  • Health Care Reform

    Health Care Reform
    One of Clinton's goals for his presidency was to nationalize healthcare. For over 100 years it had been a liberal goal to nationalize healthcare. He gives the task of nationalizing healthcare to his wife, Hillary Clinton. The Republicans will respond by putting out media blitzes and called it socialized medicine. The healthcare reform will fail up until 2009. By doing so it would allow for people who did not have/ culdnt afford healthcare to get healthcare.

    NAFTA also is known as the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA will consist of three countries, the United States, Mexico, and Canada. It will knock down trade barriers between the three countries. Rules are put in place for several industries such as agriculture and technology. NAFTA caused many American to lose their jobs since many jobs were now outsourced to other countries. Today many people want to get rid of NAFTA so that Americans can get their jobs back.
  • Internet

    The internet will begin on military bases in 1960's, it was used to exchange data. In the 1980's supercomputers were used for communication on college campuses. In the 1990's it became something that everyone had, and it was in every home. A popular app was American Online or also known as AOL. In 1994 there were about 6 million users. In 2001 there were nearly 120 million users and today there are nearly 300 million users. It has allowed for instant communication.
  • Affordable Cell Phones

    Affordable Cell Phones
    In the 1990's cell phones will replace landline phones. Allowing people to make their conversations mobile instead of having to stand next to a wall or on the wall when talking to others for long periods of time. People could now travel while talking making this easier and more convenient and portable. Much like computers, everyone also had a cell phone. And as time went on cell phones became more and more advanced. Smartphones were created, it was like a computer and phone all in one.
  • Lewinsky Affair

    Lewinsky Affair
    During his second term, President Clinton will have an affair with one of the White House interns a woman named, Monica Lewinski. A prosecutor named Kenneth Star will hear about the affair through a female civil servant. The media will hear the story and President Clinton will deny the affair. And tells Star that he did nothing wrong. The House of Representatives will impeach Clinton for lying under the oath and obstuction of justice.Though the House did not get 2/3 of the votes neeeded.
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey
    Oprah Winfrey is the creator of a very well know talk show, where she discusses issues and trends of the day. And her show is still around today and is very popular. She is also very well known for being ht richest black women on earth. During the 2008 presidential elections, she will openly support Barack Obama. Not only is she a talk show host she is also a media proprietor, and actress, and a philanthropist. She is currently 64 years old. She was born on January 29th, 1954.
  • Election of 2000

    Election of 2000
    In the election of 2000, the candidates were Al Gore (Democrat), George Bush (Republican), and Ralph Nader (Independent). Al Gore was President Clinton's Vice President, and environmentalist. He also encouraged baby boomer retirement. Geroge Bush was the former governor of Texas and beleived in ownership society. . Ralph Nader was a former consumer right advocate and also an environmentalist. This was one of the closest elections in history.
  • Election Controversy

    Election Controversy
    The election of 2000 was one of the closest elections in American history. And Florida was at the center of it all because no one could decide who had won the state. AL Gore had 266 electoral votes and George Bush had 246. Counting ballots and lawsuits will last over a month. And Florida will announce that Geroge Bush won the state. Al Gore will then take it to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme court will decide 5-4 that Geroge Bush won the election.
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  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked 4 airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. 2 of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. As a result, the American-led international effort to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan began on October 7.
  • PAtriot Act

    PAtriot Act
    "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" Congress enacted the Patriot Act by overwhelming, bipartisan margins, arming law enforcement with new tools to detect and prevent terrorism: The USA Patriot Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate in the House, with the support of members from across the political spectrum. The safety and security of the American people was enforced to a never before seen level.
  • Lionel Sosa

    Lionel Sosa
    Lionel Sosa was known for his Hispanic advertising mogul. He created famous ads for big corporations. He would also create ads for presidential campaigns. Along with being an advertiser, he was also a marketing executive. He was born in San Antonio, Texas in 1939. He is currently 79 years old. He has also written a book called "The Americano Dream". He also founded an organization named "Bromely Originate Change". He also acted in a movie called "The Children of the Revoluciono."
  • 2nd Iraq War

    2nd Iraq War
    Saddam Hussein was accused of having weapons of mass destruction in the middle east. Bush claimed Saddam had terror links with al-Qaeda & convinced Congress to declare war on the dictator. During the war, the US bombed Iraq several times as their "Shock & Awe" method. Iraq fell soon after and the Iraqi Army was told to stand down. Within a few weeks the dictator was overthrown and executed but an insurgent war started that lasted until 2011.
  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina Disaster
    In August 2005, one of the worst natural disasters will occur, Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane, the worst of the worst. It will devastate areas from the coast of Texas all the way to Florida. Most of the devastation though as in New Orleans but it wasn't during the Hurricane it was after. In New Orleans there was a levee system that had held the water back to keep it from flooding the city. Though after the hurricane the levve will break flooding the entire city.
  • Election of 2008

    Election of 2008
    The election of 2008 was between Barack Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republican). Barack Obama was a first-term Senator for Illinois. He was against the Iraq War and he will beat out Hillary Clinton they're campaign was very nasty. John McCain was a former Vietnam Wat Prisoner of war. he was a former Navy Pilot. His running mate was Sarah Palin. He will run as a moderate. Both candidates will promise to get America out of Iraq
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    The Great Recession was a sharp decline in economic activity during the late 2000s, which is generally considered the largest downturn since the Great Depression. The “Great Recession” applies to both the U.S. recession, it lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, and the ensuing global recession in 2009. The economic slump began when the U.S. housing market went from boom to bust and large amounts of mortgage-backed securities and derivatives lost significant value.
  • Sonya Sotomayor

    Sonya Sotomayor
    Sonya Sotomayor was the first Hispanic Female to be appointed a Supreme Court Justice. President Barack Obama will appoint Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. The nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in August 2009 by a vote of 68 to 31, making Sotomayor the first Latina Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history. She went the o Princeton University of Yale. She served as a Supreme Court Justice for 9 years since 2009. She is currently 63 years old.
  • Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

    Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
    The Affordable Care Act was used make affordable health insurance available to more people. It provided people with subsidies (“premium tax credits”) that lowered costs for households with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level. Expand the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income below 138% of the federal poverty level. Support innovative medical care delivery methods designed to lower the costs of health care generally.
  • Undoing of DOMA

    Undoing of DOMA
    DOMA was also known as Defense of Marriage Act. DOMA was a law that was passed that did not allow for same-sex married couples to receive federal benefits. It was repealed in the Supreme Court cases United States v. Windsor in which the United States Supreme Court held that restricting U.S. federal interpretation of "marriage" and "spouse" to apply only to opposite-sex unions. This was a major step for the United States. And gained lots of suport.