
porta timeline !!

  • Early in his career

    Early in his career
    Porta was born in 1988 in Barcelona, culturally important year. It's the year of the Gremlins, Rambo III, the "It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" by Public Enemy or the year in which Drag
  • in 2000 he recorded his first song

    in 2000 he recorded his first song
    Just twelve years later, in 2000, there are already mobile and Internet and Porta already playing with a microphone rapping over 500 pesetas alien base. Recorded his first demo with a cover made ​​c
  • there he realized his true intentions as a rapper

    there he realized his true intentions as a rapper
    At 17, recording a new demo with Internet databases downs and mixed by himself. It comes to light. By then Porta is clear that theirs is the hiphop. Work in all you can and with l
  • Here he began to succeed in hip hop

    Here he began to succeed in hip hop
    "It's not about age." This really hangs on the Internet and takes little to raze. It hits a tube: the classic and immediate "Girls today are all little sluts
  • here has already been to concerts and tours around the world

    here has already been to concerts and tours around the world
    end of 2006 the websites where hangs his model "no trick" Petan, forums are filled with comments, leaves no one indifferent
  • broadcasters and media begin to ask about this character

    broadcasters and media begin to ask about this character
    the model quickly transcends rap circles, floods institutes, people permeates all social strata and all possible tribes, their songs are pirated
  • his first album bipolar disorder

    his first album bipolar disorder
    The second work of Porta was born on October 6, 2009 and is titled bipolar disorder. The popularity of the network Porta contributed the controversy generated by the theme "girls of today are a Sluts"
  • in 2012 porta gives a Latin American tour

    in 2012 porta gives a Latin American tour
    begining by Argentina on 11 June, then by Chile on June 16, then by Uruguay on June 18, then by Mexico on June 24 and for the first time in Colombia on June 26 being the last stop on his tour of Latin america.