Popular methodologies in ESL

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Grammar- traslation

    Grammar- traslation
    grammar-translationStudents were given explanations of individual points of grammar and then they were given sentences which exemplified these points. These sentences had to be translated from the target language back to the students first language and vice versa
    1.Language was treated at the level of the sentence only with little study, certainly at the early stages of longer texts.
    2.There was little if any consideration o
  • Audiolinguaglism

    AudiolinguaglismMuch Audiolingual teaching stayed at the sentence level and there was little placing of language in any kind of real-life context. A premium was still placed on accuracy : indeed Audiolingual methodology does its best to banish mistakes completely. The purpose was habit-formation through constant repetition of correct utterances, encouraged and supported by positive reinforcement.
  • Direct metod

    Direct metod
    Direct MethodDirect MethodIt was the produce of a reform movement which was reacting to the restrictions of Grammar-translation was abandoned in favour of the teacher and the students speaking together,relating the grammatical forms they were studying to objects and pictures, etc in order to establish their meaning. The sentence was still the main object of
  • PPP

    pppThe teacher introduces a situation which contextualises the language to be taught. The language, too is then presented. The students practise the language using accurate reproduction techniques such as choral repetition, individual repetition and cue-response drills. They carry more meaning than a simple substitution drill.
  • Boomerang

    BoomerangIt follows a more task-based or deep-end approach. The teacher gets the students engaged before asking them to do something (like a writer task, a communication game or a role-play). Based on what happens there, the students will then, after the activity has finished study some aspect of language which they lacked or which they used inc
  • Suggestopaedia

    suggestopaediaIt is concerned above all with the physical environment in which the learning takes place. Students need to be comfortable and relaxed so that their affective filter is lowered. Students take on different names and exist in a child-parent relationship with the teacher.
  • TPR

    TPRIt may involve the teacher telling students to pick up the triangle from the table and ‘give it to me ‘or ‘walk quickly to the door and close it’. When the students can all respond to commands correctly, one of them can then start giving instructions to other classmates.
  • Silent Way

    Silent Way
    Silent wayIt is the behaviour of the teacher who, rather than entering into conversation with the students, says as little as possible,
  • Community Language Learnig

    Community Language Learnig
    CLLA knower stands outside a circle of students and helps the students say what they want to say by translating, suggesting or amending the students uttrerances. The students uttrerances may then be recorded so that they can be analysed at a later date. Students with the teacher's help reflect on how they felt about the activities.
  • CLT

    CLTIt is that the essential belief that if students are involved in meaning-focused communicative tasks, then 'language learning will take care of itself and that plentiful exposure to language in use and plenty of opportunity to use it are vitally important for student's development knowledge and skills.Activities in it typically involve students in real or realistic communication,where the successful achievement of the
  • Deep-end strategy

    Deep-end strategy
    DESIt encourages the students into immediate production (throw them in at the deep end), it turns the procedure on its head. The teacher can see if and where students are having problems during this production phase and return to either presentation or practice as and when necessary after the production phase is over.
  • ESA

    ESAESA allows for three basic lesson procedures.
    1. The teacher engages the students by presenting a picture or a situation, or by drawing them in by some other means.
    2. The meaning and form of the language are explained. The teacher then models the language and the students repeat and practise it.
    3. They activate the new language by using it
  • TBL

    TBLStudents are given a task to perform and only when the task has been completed does the teacher discuss the language that was used, making corrections and adjustment which the students 'performance of the task has shown to be desirable.
  • The Lexical approach

    The Lexical approach
    Lexical approachIt would steer us away from an over-concentration on syntax and tense usage(with vocabulary slotted into these grammar patterns) towards the teaching phrases which show wods in combination, and which are generative in different way from traditional grammar substitution tables. Thus,instead of teaching will for the future, we might instead have students focus on its use in a series of 'archetypical utterance' such as I w
  • Dogme

    DogmeIt is based on the idea of a return to a materials-and technology-free classroom in which language emerges as teachers and students engage in a dialogic relationship.