Planes Over Time

  • First winged aircraft introduced

    First winged aircraft introduced
    Sir George Cayley made the first winged aircraft.
  • The Wright Brothers' Flights

    The Wright Brothers' Flights
    Orville and Wilbur Wright executed the first successful manned flights.
  • World War I Planes

    World War I Planes
    The Great War brought new challenges for planes, so they needed to make the planes lighter and faster.
  • First flights across the ocean

    First flights across the ocean
    The U.S. Navy conducted flights across the Atlantic.
  • Charles Lindbergh flies across ocean alone

    Charles Lindbergh flies across ocean alone
    He flew from New York to Paris by himself.
  • First passenger planes

    First passenger planes
    Boieng created a plane that could hold up to 10 people.
  • B-2 Bombers are introduced

    B-2 Bombers are introduced
    Engineers created planes that are undetectable by radar, stealth planes.