
Physical Development Milestones

  • 2 months

    Smiles and follows you with their eyes
  • 6 months

    Grasps objects, smiles at other people, babbles, laughs, and tries to imitate sounds; holds head steady, rolls from back to stomach and stomach to back, moves objects from hand to hand
  • 1 year

    Walks with or without support, says at least one word
    have grown by 50% -- about 9 to 11 inches -- and their brain is about 60% of its adult size.
  • 2 years old

    Runs, jumps, carrying toys, throwing, stand on tip toes, balance
    Have grown about 15 in. since birth.
    Gain weight and grow at a steady but slower pace than during their first 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 3 lb to 5 lb, grow an average of 3 in. (7.5 cm) to 5 in. (13 cm)
  • 3 years old

    Climbs well, speaks in multiword sentences,jump, ride a ricycle, speak clearly
  • 4 years old

    Climbs well, speaks in multiword sentences,jump, ride a ricycle, speak clearly, gets along with people other than family, tells stories
  • 5 years old

    Tells name and address
    Jumps, hops, and skips
    Gets dressed
    Counts 10 or more objects
  • 6 years old

    Have grown about 2.5 in. (6 cm) since their last birthday.
    Have gained about 7 lb (3 kg) since their last birthday.
    Are developing their first molars.
    Are starting to lose baby teeth
    Are learning to write.
    Start to grasp the concept of time.
  • 7 years old

    Grow about 2.5 in. (6 cm) and gain about 7 lb in a year.
    Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by permanent teeth.
  • 8 years old

    Grow about 2.5 in. (6 cm) and gain about 7 lb in a year.
    May have arms and legs that seem too long for their bodies.
    Lose about four baby teeth each year, which are replaced by permanent teeth.
  • 9 years old

    Grow about 2.5 in. (6 cm) and gain about 7 lb in a year.
    Start to show a growth pattern related to gender: girls are starting to get taller and weigh more than boys.
    Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced with permanent teeth.
  • 10 years old

    Grow about 2.5 in. (6 cm) and gain about 7 lb in a year.
    Have growth patterns related to gender. Girls are usually taller and weigh more than boys. Signs of early puberty may develop in girls,
    Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by permanent teeth.