
By Radik
  • 399


    Greek philosopher, whose teachings marks a turn in philosophy - from the consideration of the nature of the world and to consider the human. His work - the turning point of ancient philosophy.
    Died: 399 BC, Ancient Athens
    Wife: Xanthippe
    Parents: Sophroniscus, Fenaret
    Children: Lamprokl, Meneksen, Sophroniscus
    It has an impact: Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Prodicus, Archelaus
    Grandson / granddaughter / grandsons / granddaughters: Fenaret
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    English materialist philosopher, one of the founders of the social contract theory and the theory of state sovereignty.
    Born: April 5, 1588
    Died: December 4th, 1679, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
    Alma Mater: Hartford College
    Books: Leviathan Works: In 2 Vols
    It has an impact: Niccolo Machiavelli, Aristotle, More
    Brothers and sisters: Anne Hobes Edmund Hobes
  • René Descartes

    René Descartes
    French philosopher, mathematician, engineer, physicist and physiologist, the founder of modern analytic geometry and algebraic symbols, the author of the method of radical doubt in philosophy, mechanistic physics, the forerunner of reflexology.
    Born: March 31, 1596, Descartes, France
    Died: February 11, 1650, Stockholm, Sweden
    Place of burial: Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, France
    Was influenced by Aristotle, Plato, Aquinas, More
  • Benedict Spinoza

    Benedict Spinoza
    Dutch philosopher, rationalist, naturalist, of Jewish origin, one of the main representatives of modern philosophy.
    Born: November 24, 1632, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Died: February 21, 1677, The Hague, Netherlands
    Books: Theological-Political Treatise, political tracts, treatises, On the improvement of the mind
    Was influenced by: Rene Descartes, Plato, Aristotle, More
    Brothers and sisters: Isaac Spinoza, Spinoza Rebeca
  • David Hume

    David Hume
    Scottish philosopher, representative of empiricism, psychological atomism, nominalism and skepticism; According to some researchers, an agnostic, a precursor of the second positivism, economist and historian, publicist, one of the leading figures ...
    Born: May 7, 1711, Edinburgh, UK
    Died: August 25, 1776, Edinburgh, UK
    Books: History of Britain, A Treatise of Human Nature ..., On Human Nature
    Brothers and sisters: John Hume
  • Immanuel Kant

    Immanuel Kant
    The German philosopher, the founder of German classical philosophy, which stands on the brink of the Enlightenment and Romanticism.
    Born: April 22, 1724, Königsberg, Germany
    Died: February 12, 1804 Königsberg, Germany
    Place of burial: February 28, 1804 Stoa kantiana
    Education: University of Königsberg (1740, 1746), University of Königsberg
    Parents: Johann Georg Kant, Anna Regina Reuter.