Peyton's Space Timeline.

By jrainey
  • First Rocket!

    First Rocket!
    The first rocket was launched.
  • The first U.S. satelillite.

    The first U.S. satelillite.
    The first U.S. satellite was launched into space.
  • First planetary probe

    First planetary probe
    Mariner 2 travled to Venus and collected data for 3 months. The craft now orbits that sun.
  • The first flyby reached Mars!

    The first flyby reached Mars!
    The fisrt flyby reached Mars.
  • Moonwalk

    Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin, apollo 11 astronauts were the forst people to walk the moon.
  • First probe to outer solar system

    First probe to outer solar system
    After fling past jupiter Pioneer 10 is still traveling onward someday to exit the solar system.
  • The fist orbiter

    The fist orbiter
    The first orbiter was sent to Saturn, Cassini was launcehd in 1997 as part of an international effort involing 19 countries.
  • The New Horizons

    The New Horizons
    The New Horizons was launched in 2006 heading towards Pulto
  • Kepler Telescope

    Kepler Telescope
    Launched in 2009, the Kepler telescope focuses on a single area of sky containing about 100,000.