Personal Timeline

  • First Trimester

    First Trimester
    Week 1 to the end of Week 12. At 4 weeks the blastocyst has officially become an embryo and the organ begins to develop. At 5 weeks, the baby's heart begins to beat at twice the rate of the mother's heart. Week 6 the baby's facial features begins to form as well as arms and legs begin to develop. Week 10 the embryo becomes a fetus and organs like brain and intestines begin to function. At 12 weeks you are able to hear the baby's heat beat at your prenatal checkup.
  • Second Trimester

    Second Trimester
    Once a cluster of cells, now a fetus with functioning organs. Week 14 the baby's sex becomes apparent, their neck has become more defined. Week 15 your baby is growing rapidly and bones develop and will soon become visible in ultrasounds. At 16 weeks the baby's head is erect and their eyes can move slowly, however, their movements are too slight for us to feel. By week 26, the baby's lungs begin to develop and produce surfactant. Baby is 9 inches from crown to rump.
  • Third Trimester

    Third Trimester
    During the third trimester, pregnancy side effects begins to wear off. At week 29 the baby can kick, stretch, and make grasping movements. Week 31 your baby has finished most of his or her development. Week 32 the baby practices breathing. Week 36 the baby takes up most of the amniotic sac and it becomes hard to kick and stretch. At week 40 your due date arrives; however, it is not always when the baby comes. It's normal to arrive later than the due date given.
  • Birth Through Two Weeks

    Birth Through Two Weeks
    At two weeks old, all the dilemmas that occurred at birth (broken blood vessels, mild scratches on the eyelids) should disappear. The baby is able to stay awake for longer stretches of time. At two weeks old, the baby should be able to cry when they are uncomfortable, hungry, or fussy. They can hear loud noises which startle them, and can briefly lift their head up. Once the baby's umbilical cord falls off you can start bath time. Lots happen during the first two weeks after birth, stay alert.
  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    At this time in their lives, infants are now able to reach towards toys and get a good use of their hands. If a toy is placed in front of them, they will attempt to crawl; some may only roll over or scoot, but soon enough they will be able to crawl. They can now grasp and handle objects better through the use of motorized toys. They have a chance to grab and ley go. Image Source-
  • Language Development

    Language Development
    At this stage, your baby already has a sense of the idea that things have names. They are able to link sounds with words, and soon begin to attempt through babbling. They understand our behaviors based on our reactions, and develop the concept of "no". This can be especially important when your baby's safety is concerned. Image Source:
  • Cognitive Developments

    Cognitive Developments
    Infants develop cognitive milestones which include the ability to find hidden objects. Through discovery and play time, they understand the concept of object permeance. As well as anticipating what comes next. For instance, schedules help your baby develop a sense of time. Their memory improves, and this consistency reinforces this kind of thinking and promotes a sense of security. Image Source:
  • Infants at 7 Months- Social/Emotional

    Infants at 7 Months- Social/Emotional
    At this time, infants develop what is known as stranger anxiety, or resistance to strangers. They are able to differentiate who is familiar and who is not which demonstrates the bonds created with you and other family members. Image Source-
  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    At this time, toddlers graduate from a bottle and are able to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon. They advance from crawling around into walking on their own. While walking, they are able to pull toys out and play rather than focusing on balancing. They can walk up steps and even run. Some can even help undress themselves, whether that be on purpose or for entertainment. Image Source:
  • Language Development

    Language Development
    From babbling onwards, it only gets better from here. Toddlers are able to use several single words correctly, and even form short phrases. By understanding our behaviors, they can now say and shake their head "no" when properly needed. And since their whole vocabulary bank is so brief, they usually point to things that they want. Whether that be people or food, it is very beneficial because now they get a say. Inage Source:
  • Toddlerhood: Cognitive Developments

    Toddlerhood: Cognitive Developments
    Ranges from 12-36 months and in that time they are able to understand simple items, i.e. telephone, brush, car, etc. They point to get the attention of someone. They show interest in simple pretend play. Able to scribble on their own, and follow one-step verbal commands. Motor skills build up, although when they scribble, the pen/pencil is held incorrectly. They will soon figure this out on their own. Image Source:
  • Social/ Emotional Development

    Social/ Emotional Development
    As everything improves, toddlers are able to hand objects to people in order for them to play with them. In uncertain situations, they tend to latch onto their caregiver as a form of security. Teething occurs, which is early temper tantrums, but soon they believe everything and everyone is revolved around them so actual temper tantrums occur. And they explore on their own no longer needing someone to watch at all times. Image Source:
  • Early Childhood Age 3 Physical Milestones

    Early Childhood Age 3 Physical Milestones
    The physical development of the child at this age includes a full set of baby teeth, has the ability to sleep through the night while also being fully potty-trained; meaning less accidents while asleep. They can dress themselves including the shoes, without laces of course. The physical activity includes throwing a ball overhead and catching larger balls. Usually at this age, they can pedal a small tricycle, training for their very own bicycle.
  • Early Childhood Age 4- Social and Emotional

    Early Childhood Age 4- Social and Emotional
    Once they graduate from the stage of believing everyone attends to their needs, children at this age learn to take turns and share with their peers. They understand and obey simple rules, as well as changing the rules of the game so they can win. Their fears include darkness and monsters as they begin to understand danger and realize that at times, it may be harmful. They still throw tantrums over minor frustrations and express anger verbally rather than physically(usually).
  • Early Childhood Age 4 Mental Development

    Early Childhood Age 4 Mental Development
    At this age, children are usually more adaptive to their environments. Keeping that in mind, the child is able to recognize familiar words in simple books or signs (STOP), and are able to recognize some letters if taught, and possibly print their own name. They understand the the concepts of biggest, smallest, same, more, under, etc. and also the order of their daily routine. Due to this, they are able to adapt their language to their listener's level of understanding.
  • Early Childhood Age 5- Mental Milestones

    Early Childhood Age 5- Mental Milestones
    As they grow, their mental capacities are growing in a sense where they are able to memorize phone numbers and addresses, as well as understand before/after, more/less, above/below, and beginning/middle/end. They enjoy telling his or her own jokes and riddles as well as their own stories. They draw pictures that represent people, animals, and objects, and are more likely to me project minded. That is planning projects, play scenarios, and drawings.
  • Physical Development of Middle Childhood age 6-8

    Physical Development of Middle Childhood age 6-8
    Although their physical changes are slower than the previous years, many important changes are taking place in physical coordination and skills. For example, they are skilled at using scissors and small tools. This came with the many practices with their fine motor skills. Another example includes, development of permanent teeth, enjoying testing muscle strength and their skills. They tend to have a good sense of balance, can tie their own shoelaces, and even an awkward appearance.
  • Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Ages 6-8

    Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Ages 6-8
    Children begin to reverse printed letter, enjoy planning and building, doubles speaking and listening vocabularies and may show a stronger interest in reading. This is also the time where children may be diagnosed for dyslexia, that is the misinterpretation of letters and/or words and phrases. However, these children are still able to increase problem-solving abilities, have longer attention spans, enjoy creating elaborate collections, and shows ability to learn the difference between left/right
  • Social/Emotional Development of Middle Childhood Ages 6-8

    Social/Emotional Development of Middle Childhood Ages 6-8
    The relationships between the children and their family/peers becomes significantly more important. Children at this age tend to believe that being with friends becomes increasingly important. They show interest in rules and rituals, want to play with more similar friends-girls with girls, and boys with boys, They may even have a "best" friend and a "worse" enemy. As like most, they find criticism or failure difficult to handle and seek a sense of security in groups and organized play.
  • Physical Development in Middle Childhood Ages 9-11

    Physical Development in Middle Childhood Ages 9-11
    The physical changes occur more frequently and at different paces. For example girls are generally as much as 2 years ahead of boys in physical maturity, and may even begin to menstruate. Boys have increased body strength and hand dexterity. They show improved coordination and reaction to time. And may begin to grow rapidly at the end of this age period. They both go through tremendous changes in the growth of their brain as well as their physical appearances-becoming more aware.
  • Adolescents Physical Development

    Adolescents Physical Development
    Experience an overall physical growth spurt. Shoulders become broader and the area around the nipples become larger. The hair in the pubic area, under the arms, and on the face. Females have growth in the uterus and their first menstrual period occurs. Stress and higher percentage of body fat can bring menstruation at younger ages. Breast development in both male and female occurs, as well as the larynx grows and voice becomes deeper. This is what is known as puberty.
  • Adolescents Cognitive Development

    Adolescents Cognitive Development
    Piaget believed that many adolescents reach formal operational thought. This is marked by the ability to think abstractly or to use systems of abstract thought or logic more readily. An adolescent may now be able to understand symbolic meanings such as those found in religion. Adolescents may also think about “what if” situations or hypothetical situations more easily. And the adolescent may become conscious of their thoughts and enjoy the game of thinking or introspection.
  • Adolescents Psychosocial Development

    Adolescents Psychosocial Development
    One of the key changes during adolescence involves a renegotiation of parent–child relationships. As adolescents strive for more independence and autonomy during this time, different aspects of parenting become more salient. Psychological control, which involves manipulation and intrusion into adolescents’ emotional and cognitive world through invalidating adolescents’ feelings and pressuring them to think in particular ways is another aspect of parenting that becomes more salient.
  • Adolescents Social/Emotional Development

    Adolescents Social/Emotional Development
    For many teens, adolescence is not a period of storm and stress. It seems to be a more stressful time for those who are also experiencing other stressors, perhaps at school or at home. It's a period of temporary disruption as the id, ego, and superego are out of balance. The primary concern of adolescence is that of establishing identity. The teen needs to wait or go through a period of exploration, called a psychosocial moratorium, before making any long term decisions.