Personal finance thing

  • Period: to

    Manufacturing event from 1900 to present day

  • The first airplane

    The first airplane
    The first ever airplane takes off
  • The first assembly line

    The first assembly line
    Ford makes and uses the first assembly line.
  • First solar powered house

    First solar powered house
    The first ever solar powered house was the Dover house
  • The first LED light

    The first LED light
    The first ever LED light was made by hollanyack
  • IACs boost manufacturing

    IACs boost manufacturing
    IACs helped boost manufacturing making it more efficient
  • The department of energy was founded

    The department of energy was founded
    Jimmy Carter created the dapartment of energy
  • The first ever 3D printer

    The first ever 3D printer
    The first ever 3D printer was made by chuck hull
  • First use of robotics in manufacturing

    First use of robotics in manufacturing
    The first industrialized robot was used in manufacturing
  • Manufacturing USA is created

    Manufacturing USA is created
    NNMI also known as manufacturing USA is made
  • First ever 3D printed car is made

    First ever 3D printed car is made
    ORNl and AMO make the first ever 3D printed car that works
  • ORNL makes largest 3D printed thing

    ORNL makes largest 3D printed thing
    ORNL makes a tool used by boing to make airplanes using a 3D printer
  • IACs adapt to help aid puerto rico

    IACs adapt to help aid puerto rico
    IACs help aid Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria
  • First 50001

    First 50001
    DOE recognizes u.s. first 50001 ready facility