pendragon 2 by D.J Machale, fiction, 528 pages

  • chapter 1-3 57 pages

    mark finds out he has to go back to denduron and he tries not to as much as possible but he ends up going back to heelp the people again. he doesnt know what for again but his friends want to go with him.57 pages read (57)
  • chapters 4-8 58-97

    on the way back him and his friends run into quigs while sking down the mountain to the village. his friend ends up getting knocked out becasue the sled tips over. his friend gets taken away.39 pahes read (97)
  • chapters 9-14 98-151

    mark meets a new person named lila on the way towards finding his friend. he asks her to help him find his frind and they go on an adventure. later he ends up loosing courtney in the forest. 63 pages read (151)
  • chapters 15-18 152-189

    mark later on finds courtney messing around but is still in search for his friend tom. he finds out that if he doesnt face the leader of the enemy tom is going to be thrown in the dungeon. mark prepares himself to go to the leaders castle. pages read 37 (189)
  • chapters 18-24 190-247

    mark goes to the leader and the leader decides he wants his people to fight marks people in the village.. mark lets the village know and he gets people prepared. they begin to make weapons out of things they are not supposed to have. 57 pages read (247)
  • chapters 18-23 247-298

    as they begin to prepare loor mark and alder go to to the palace to save uncle press. mark uses a bunch of stuff from secong earth to distract the knights. they end up finding the wrong cell and bobby lets the guy escape and he gets caught and gets killed.51 pages read (298)
  • chapters 23 -27 299-356

    bobbly loor and alder get caught by the knoghts and taken to queeen kagan. they find out shes really fat and not what they expected at all. she finds all of the stuff that bobby brought from earth and they get locked up.
  • chapters 28-33 (357-402)

    they are forced to watch uncle presses exacution and bobby goes down to the field and the rest follow. they all have to fight off quigs and they win. they find a wat of escaping and they get caught by rellin who comes up with a dangerous plan for the battle.45 pahes read (402)
  • chapters 34-36 403-437

    rellin tells them his plan to defeat the badoowen and it might just end up destroying all of denduron. the plan is to use tak which is a type of clay that is like a bomb. loor finds a way of escaping the hut and they all go to the palace to try to stop rellin.34(437)
  • chapters 37-41 (437-474)

    they find a way in the palace and they let the quigs out and they kill all of the nights. rellin gets injured and they have to find a way of getting rid of the tak so they dum water on it to dissolve it. when its gone they follow the guy figgis who told rellin about it. he ends up leading them to a whole tunnel full. 32 (474)
  • chapters 42-45 475-508

    they find a way of getting rid of the tak before rellin finds it and figgis runs into another flume. they blow up all of the tak causing the palace to collapse. they all meet up again and bobby asks to go home so press takes him home. when he gets home he finds out he has to go back and live there but in a different flume. 33(508)