
  • French and Indian War Starts

    The French and Indian War lasted from1754-1763. During this war, the British and French fought over rights to the Ohio River Valley. The war resulted in a British victory and forced the French out of Colonial America.The British victory came at a cost -dept. This dept would fall to the colonies to be paid.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    The English did ultimately come to dominate the colonial outposts. But resulting dept nearly destoryed the English gov't.
  • Suger Act

    To stop s.sugar and to pay back the dept.
  • Quartering Act

    To let solders stay in your house.
  • Stamp Act

    To pay the tax yourself.
  • Continential Army

    In 1775, the 2nd contenintial congress asked George Washington to lead a new army. This Contentintial army was made up of volunteers.
  • D of I

    Congress the final text of the D of I which allow the 13 colonies i sovereign states and no longer a part of the British enpire.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Attack on Christmaswith Goerge Washington in charge. 1st time Colonists beat British.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    British took land. British general surrendered. French decide to get involved.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    9-28-1881 to 10-19-1881. 8,000 people died. British stopped fight.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Signed by King George III of Great Britian and USA representatives ended the Revolutionary War.