Past 35 years

  • Richard Nixon Watergate

    This was all fine until Nixon made a move on trying to cover up the scene but failed so he almost got impeached but resigned later
  • Gerald Ford Flaw

    Gerald flaw was that he pardon Nixon from the scandal which later got backlash about it.
  • Jimmy Carter Pros

    He was peace talker with Israel and Egypt and that he was strong with the human rights
  • Whitewater Scandal

    This was a real estate scandal that was a brutal blow on Clinton losing $40,000 from buying acres in Arkansas.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    Iranians took all of the 60 American students from the U.S. Embassy. Jimmy Carter did nothing but try to make peace which made him lose his second term.
  • 1980 election

    1980 elections were Jimmy Carter vs Ronald Reagan which Reagan won because of the weaknesses of Jimmy Carter
  • Miracle On Ice

    Miracle On Ice
    This was 1980 Olympics where it was two powers Soviets vs America we had all college kids play for the team. They made a miracle and won
  • Summer Olympics Boycott

    there was a boycott against the Soviets that later was at Los Angeles which was a big rebellion against the Soviets.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald won the election because everyone thought That Jimmy was weak so he exploited it to win the election trying to be strong
  • Challenger Explosion

    This was a space shuttle disaster when America launched a rocket and killed 7 people due to malfunction in the shuttle. a sad moment in America.
  • Tienanmen Square Massacre

    This was in Bejing when China shot down and arrested many protestors which were a really sad moment in China.
  • Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    There was a rebellion in Afghanistan when the anti-communist Muslims rebelled to fight back and then Soviets came to help the Communists.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Saddam Hussian claimed by Kuwait that belonged to Iraq. Iraq invaded Kuwait but Bushed launched operation Desert storm which was a success

    North American Free Trade Agreement That included the US and Mexico and Canada
  • 1992 Elections

    1992 Elections
    Bill Clinton ended the 12-year led to the Republican but Bill ended it making him the first Democrat back
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    This was a domestic terrorist attack terrorist truck bombing that killed 168 hurt 680+.
  • Columbine high school

    There was a school shooting in Columbine because of ill person.
  • 2000 Election

    Clinton won the popular vote but Bush won more electoral votes so he became the president
  • Florida recount

    George had a recount but his brother denied it causing a conspiracy that he lost the elction
  • Bill Clinton

    Bil did a good job keeping our economy at a good pace with the positive but later got called out for cheating on his wife.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was the first terrorist attack that made a huge impact on everything we do. 2 planes were hijacked and where they flew in the twin towers.
  • Shock and Awe

    The US began to bomb Baghdad because of the refusal of a surrender so we took action
  • Osama Bin Laden

    Osama was the mastermind of the attack of 9/11 which we had military search him down and killed him because what he did to America.
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Operation Iraqi Freedom
    This was a war to overthrow Saddam Hessian off the government due to problems with him
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    He was the first black president and made obamacare