
Pamela Kelly's Literacy Timeline

  • Fell in love with reading at the age of 6 months old

    Fell in love with reading at the age of 6 months old
    As young as 6 months old I would have my mother read books over and over to me. My favorites were animal and baby board books.
  • Learned how to read

    I began kindergarten at age 6 and learned how to read. I was homeschooled, therefore I was taught to read by my mother.
  • Reading became a main source for learning

    Reading became a main source for learning
    Because my mother homeschooled me and my seven siblings, we were all in different grades and at different levels. Because of this I had to utilize reading as my main source of learning and self teach.
  • Loved "Liitle House on the Prairie" Series

    Loved "Liitle House on the Prairie" Series
  • Leisure reading was my favorite past time

  • Fell in love with the American Girl series

    Fell in love with the American Girl series
    For christmas when I was nine years old, I was given the Samantha American Girl doll and the series of books that came with her. I fell in love with all things American Girl and read the Molly, Kirsten, and Samantha series over and over again.
  • Put into the public school system

    Put into the public school system
    My parents divorced and my siblings and I had to go to public school so that my mother could work, I was in the fifth grade.
  • Battle of the Books

    Battle of the Books
    Being new to public school, I was not aware of what battle of the books was. My teacher made me try out and test to be on the team, even though I had not read a single book that was on the list! I still ended up making the team just by answering questions by using context clues and guessing from the title and book cover!
  • Won the battle of the Books

    After I made the team for the battle of the books, I read all of the books being covered, and our team won!
  • "The Babysitter's Club" became my favorite series

    "The Babysitter's Club" became my favorite series
  • Read "To Kill a Mocking Bird"

    Read "To Kill a Mocking Bird"
    In the seventh grade we were required to read "To Kill a Mockingbird", this is still a favorite of mine today.
  • Less time for reading

    At this point in my life, leisure reading took a backseat to sports and friends.
  • Lesiure and informational reading was a high priority

    I became pregnant with my oldest child and wanted to read every pregnancy book I could get my hands on! If I wasn't reading informational pregnancy books, I spent my down time with a mindless novel for entertainment.
  • Read the Entire "Mark of the Lion" Series while pregnant with my second child

    Read the Entire "Mark of the Lion" Series while pregnant with my second child
  • Reading picture books to my child became my main source of literature

  • Became a college student

    Became a college student
    I started college in the fall of 2009 and decided to take one course to get my feet wet. I chose English compostition which required several entries from novels and research to be read.While it was not leisure reading, the course forced me back into reading literature that was not in a picture book.
  • Reading became apart of my everyday life

    Reading became apart of my everyday life
    After my daughter started kindergarten two years ago, It was required for me to read to her everyday for atleast thirty minutes. This has continued as she is now in the second grade, except now she reads to me and her siblings some nights.