p r o j e c t e v o l u t i o n

  • A close-up view of "spontaneous generation" (c. 1660)

    Scientists have discovered magnification instruments used for examining specimens.
  • Linnaeus's Systema Naturae charts life (c. 1735)

    this is the clasificaton of all life on earth his system divides kingdoms, classes, orders gehners and spicies
  • Comte de Buffon proposes radical ideas (c. 1749)

    Animals evole occording to the natural laws and all animals desended from the same animal
  • Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia heralds evolution (1794)

    Charles Darwin's grandfather writes a book called Zoonomia and talks abouts evolution, although it was not widely accpeted.
  • Darwin born in a conservative era (1809)

    The birth of charles darwin born into a family of 'free thinkers' this also was in the time of the aar between britten and france
  • Lamarck champions evolution (c. 1809)

    Living things become more complex through time. Occording to their environment.
  • Cuvier sees catastrophes in fossil record (c. 1817)

    Excavation of mines lead to discovery of fossils. Cuvier attempts to explain that they are trhe remians of species that have been wiped out by floods and earthquakes.
  • Lyell describes immense age of Earth (c. 1830)

    charles lyell furthers this idea that slow moving gradual porcess exsplains earths geoligy
  • Beagle voyage transforms Darwin (1831-1836)

    Charles Darwin began life wanting to be in the clergy but after hs trip around the world he intended to devote his life to science.
  • Darwin starts secret notebooks (1837)

  • Anonymous pamphlet on evolution strikes fury (1844)

  • Was Neanderthal Man a son of Adam? (1856)

  • Wallace provokes Darwin to publish (1858)

  • Flint tools spark debate over human evolution (1858)

  • On the Origin of Species spurs a revolution (1859)

  • Mendel's breakthroughs go unnoticed (1865)

  • Evolution accepted (c. 1865)

  • Fabulous fossils on display (c. 1870)

  • Darwin explores The Descent of Man (1871)

  • Horse fossils reveal a story of evolution (c. 1876)

  • Social Darwinism stirs backlash (c. 1880-1920)

  • Radioactivity points to an ancient Earth (c. 1896)

  • Mendel's laws of heredity rediscovered (c. 1900)

  • Is Piltdown Man a "missing link"? (1912)

  • Scopes trial puts controversy on center stage (1925)

  • Taungs "man-like ape" stirs fury (1925)

  • Scopes trial becomes Scopes myth (c. 1931)

  • Neo-Darwinism adds new facts to Darwin's theory (c. 1940)

  • DDT resistance is evidence of rapid evolution (c. 1945)

  • DNA puzzle solved (1953)

  • Can origins of life be glimpsed in a lab? (1953)

  • Inherit the Wind reinforces Scopes myth (1955)

  • A new view of humans and apes (c. 1967)

  • Lucy ignites debate over human origins (1974)

  • Sociobiology explores origins of behavior (c. 1975)

  • DNA codes offer new evidence of evolution (c. 1990)

  • Human genome reveals human evolution (2001)