P-4 Blake Samsill, Justin Whipple, Rebecca Lewis

  • Brown v.s. Board of educatiom

    Brown v.s. Board of educatiom
    In 1938 bthe supreme court ruled that every state had to offer equal educational oppurtunities.
  • Protesters

    People protested outside of The White house, as well as 15,000 people marched to the lincoln memorial to demand for the KKK to be outlawed.
  • Committee of Civial Rights

    This is when people would study racial discrimination and to sugest a federal solution.
  • No more segregation in the military

    No more segregation in the military
    In 1948 Truman ended segregation in the military.
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    The supreme court ruled in Sweatt v. painter that the new school did not provide African Americans with access to equal academic prestige facilities or instructers.
  • Supreme Court Ruling

    In may 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the brown cases that segregation in public schools is illegal
  • Public Schools

    In 1955 the court made its ruling stonger , pordering public schools to desegreate "with all deliberate speed."
  • Montgomery's Bus Segregation System

    Montgomery's Bus Segregation System
    In 1955 the Montgomery's Bus Situation rised.
  • Bus System

    The supreme cournt ruled that Montgomery's segregated bus system was illegal.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The school bored selected 9 outstanding Aferican American known as little rock nine to attend Centeral High School 1957.
  • Ernest Green

    In may 1958 Ernest Green became the first African American student to graduate Centeral High School.
  • Governor Faubus

    Governor Faubus
    He eclosed the schools during the 158-59 school year. The schools finally reopened uder court order i 1959 and began a process of slow integregation.