Org. Comm.

  • Scientific Management Perspective

    Scientific Management Perspective
    -Developed by Frederick Taylor
    -Four elements for the foundation that analyze workflows:
    Organizational design
    Chains of Command
    Division of Labor
    -It is still used today to keep a steady flow of communication throughout the workplace and also increase productivity.
  • Hawthorne Effect

    -Developed by Elton Mayo
    -Solved: Working conditions and attention to employees.
    -Productivity was at its highest. This wasn't due to just a change in workplace, but just by the fact that someone was concerned for them.
    -Uses Today: Human Relations
  • Bureaucracy

    -Developed by Max Weber
    -Problems solved: Always refer to the "formalized rules;" authority (Chain of command)
    -Present Day Use: If a problem arises that you cannot fix yourself, go above you and keep going if need be.
    -Employees can act creatively, but yet create a structure to go off of.
  • Theory X, Theory Y

    Theory X and Y Info-Developed by Douglas McGregor
    -"The Human Side of Enterprise"
    -"Management assumptions about workers"
    (Fundamental of Organizational Communication:
    Knowledge, Sensitivity, Skills, and Values)
    -Theory X: Authoritarian style
    -Theory Y: Participative style (Ideal)
    -Solved: Which management styles work best
    -Used Today: Offers ways to manage employees effectively