Orange Crush- R.E.M

  • I- Televison thrives and radio stations switch to music

  • Period: to

    History timespan

  • P- President Eisenhower sends the first U.S military aid advisors to South Vietnam to train an army under Ngo Dinh Diem

  • I-Polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk was named safe and effective

  • S- Emitt Till was lynched as a result of talking to a white girl

  • P-The Warshaw Pact is formed members include, Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czech, Hugary, Poland and Romania

  • E-Montgomery boycott causing shortage in riders and money

  • P- Nikita Khruschev becomes leader of the Soviet Government

  • S- Nine black students enter Little Rock High School in Arkansas with the National Guard Protecting them

  • I-The Soviet Union Launches Sputnik 2

  • I- The U.S tries to launch its first satellite but fails

  • P- Fidel Castro becomes priome minitser

  • P- The Eisenhower Administration announces that 3,500 U.S soldiers will be sent to Vietnam to support the Diem Regime

  • U-2 plane is shot down by Soviets. Francis Gary Powers is detained.

  • I- First laser is demonstrated bt Physicst Theodore Maiman

  • I- NASA set up ECHO the first communications satellite

  • S- Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Nixon participate in the first televised presidental debate

  • John F. Kennedy is inaugurated President of the United States

  • I- Peace Corps was established by Kennedy

  • S- Kennedy tells Americans that he aims to have the U.S to be the first to put the man on the moon

  • E-Kennedy promises Khruschev not to invade Cuba and Khruschev agrees to the removal of Soviet missles in Cuba

  • P-President Kenney makes travel to Cuba and financial and commercial transactions illegal

  • S- Martin Luther King Jr. Made his famous "I Have a Dream" Speech

  • P- President John F. Kennedy was assasinated

  • S- Jack Ruby kills Harvey Lee Oswald

  • S- Warren Comisson report is relesed saying Karvey Lee Oswald acted alone in the Kennedy assasination

  • E- Cigarette boxes had warning on boxes "Smoking can be bad for your health"

  • E- Tax Reduction Act cut corporate and individual taxes to stimulate growth

  • P- The Civil Rights Bill was passed into law

  • E- The Economic Oppourtunity Act was passed. One billion for loans, youth programs, etc.

  • E- Higher Education Act funded scholarships and lowered education and lowerd intrest loan for college students

  • E-3,500 U.S soldiers arrive in Vietnam as the first ground force

  • E- Wilderness Preservation Act set aside over a million acres in national forest lands where there was no mining or timber usage

  • E- Led by Ceasar Chavez the National Farm Workers Assosiation stages a farm workers strike causing farmers to loose crops and prices to go up

  • E- President Johnson signs the Social Security Act into law establishing Medicare and Medicade

  • S- The Miranda Rights were put into act. Suspects must be read their rights

  • I- Star Trek debutes taking T.V to a new level

  • I-Safe Rabies Vaccine Used

  • I- The first hand held calculator was invented costing 2,500 a piece by Texas Instruments

  • P- Tet Offensive started. Vietcong starts fighting the U.S soldiers

  • P- U.S Army enters Mylai killing hundreds of innocent civillans

  • S- Nixon promises an honorable end to the Vietnam War

  • I- The first artificial heart is implanted into a human

  • E- Nixon starts his vietmanization plan to bring troops home

  • S- Stonewall Riots start up. Mourning Judy Garland

  • I- Neil Armstrong steps onto the moon and made his famous speech " This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

  • P- Nixon orders invasion of Cambodia to destroy enemy supply bases

  • S- As part of the Vietnam war and invasion of Cambodia four students were killed and nine wounded at Kent State University

  • S- Jimi Hendrix dies

  • S-The Pentagon Papers started to leak in time magazine by Daniel Ellsberg causing a soical distrust of Nixon and the government

  • S-Voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 years old

  • E- Supreme court rules agains death pentaly in the way it was admisistered. Keeping more prisoners in jail.

  • P- Watergate Burgulary by five men. Nixon was involved

  • P- Nixon is accused of the Watergate cover up

  • E- The U.S senate prohibits the use of any funds appropiated by Congress for comat acitivites in Loas or Cambodia

  • I- In the U.S the first female FBI agents are hired

  • P-The Wars Power Act was set into place which limits the presidents descions on war with out congress approval

  • I- Stephan Hawking proposes a new black hole thoery.Saying black holes can emitt radiation. Correcting Eistien's old one.

  • P-Nixon announces his resignation from the presidency

  • E- The U.S congress passes a foriegn policy approprations bill which cut funding to Saigon's military

  • I- Lyme disease was first discovered by Dr. Allen Steere

  • E- Fall of Saigon. U.S sent economic aid but refused to send troops

  • I- Microsoft was founded