Operation Paperclip Timeline

  • Gerhard Schrader discovers the first nerve agent, tabun, by accident to possibly be used in chemcial warfare.

  • World War II begins.

  • V-2 rocket's first successful test launch.

  • V-2 rocket becomes the first artificial object to cross the Kármán Line, better known as the borders of space

  • World War II ends

  • The Nuremberg Trials begin with the most famous of the trials, the Major War Criminals' Trial.

  • Kurt Blome is interviewed by Camp Detrick representatives and reveales the locations of several biological warfare experts.

  • Walter Dornberger plays a major role in the development of the X-15 aircraft, which will be the precursor to the Space Shuttle

  • Wernher von Braun's Man in Space, hosted by Disney, strikes a fascination among Americans for outer space.

  • Dr. Wernher von Braun, along with many other German scientists, is applauded as he is sworn into U.S. citizenship.

  • Dr. Wernher von Braun and his team's first major development for the U.S., Explorer 1, launches.

  • NASA is formed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in response to the launch of Soviet satellite Sputnik 1.

  • Wernher von Braun is appointed the Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center.

  • The Apollo 11, developed with help by Dr. Wernher von Braun and his team, takes off and sets its course for the Moon.

  • President Nixon discontinues the Biological Warfare program, as its sudden push in development posed a threat.

  • Eberhard Rees replaces Wernher von Braun as Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center