
ohrel revolution project

By 2020026
  • common sense

    common sense
    What year was it written?
    who was the auther of the pamphlet
    -Thomas Paine
    what was the purpose of the pamphlet
    -to tell the americans about the monarchy
    explain the success or failure of the pamphlet
    -it was a success because people started fighting for the paitriots
  • decliration of independence

    decliration of independence
    what is the pur purpose of the declaration of independence
    , , there tring to be there own country
    what is the preamble
    -an official interduction
    first section
    -life liberty and persuit of happyness
    -grevance,free from the king
    second section
    -the grevences of the king
    third section
    -there tring to be there own country
  • Retreat From New York

    Retreat From New York
    they shifted to the middle colonies
    wasington left new york, solders sterted to leve his army
    he was a spy
    they were up set and they left
  • crossing the delaware

    crossing the delaware
    crossed the delaware river, attacted trenon new jersey
    hession forces and their term and definition was to keep out enimeys
    the outcome was the americans won and they felt good that they defeated the british
  • Valley Forge Winter

    Valley Forge Winter
    Valley Forge is in philidelphia
    they were camped in new jersy
    the conditions were vary harsh
    the americans won
  • the battle of saratoga

    the battle of saratoga
    it was to take controal of the north
    to take over Albany, New York and the Hudson River
    General John Burgoyne surrendered to General Gates
    the Americans and the French won by the the British surrendering
  • help from overseas

    help from overseas
    they signed military alliance
    fance became the first to traid with america
    he was a captain for Girmany
    a ship captain